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Pathology and bacteriology of 178 tadpoles with histologically confirmed Severe Perkinsea Infections: Data


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Isidoro-Ayza, M., and Grear, D.A., 2019, Pathology and bacteriology of 178 tadpoles with histologically confirmed Severe Perkinsea Infections: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


(i) This dataset presents macroscopic and microscopic pathological findings and bacteriology of 178 tadpoles diagnosed with Severe Perkinsea Infections. (ii) Specimen were collected and submitted to the NWHC as part of mortality investigations and collection of specimen from apparently healthy populations as part of ongoing amphibian health monitoring. (iii) Necropsies and gross evaluation of carcasses were carried out under a dissecting microscope. (iv) Severe Perkinsea Infection was confirmed in each specimen by histological observation of pathological changes in tissues with presence of Perkinsea-like organisms in at least one organ, including brain, eyes, gastrointestinal tract, gills, heart, liver, lungs, kidney, pancreas, skeletal [...]


Point of Contact :
Marcos Isidoro Ayza
Originator :
Marcos Isidoro Ayza, Daniel A Grear
Metadata Contact :
Marcos Isidoro Ayza
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
SDC Data Owner :
National Wildlife Health Center

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Severe Perkinsea Infection (SPI) is an emerging disease of frogs responsible for mass mortalities of tadpoles across the USA. It is caused by protozoa belonging to the phylum Perkinsozoa that form a distinct group referred to as the Pathogenic Perkinsea Clade of frogs. In this work, we provide detailed description of gross and histologic lesions from 178 naturally infected tadpoles including ten species from 22 mortality events and six amphibian health monitoring studies from diverse geographic areas. In the light of these observations, we suggest a logical pathogenesis sequence and propose a “case definition” for SPI to promote standardized communication of results and prevent misdiagnosis with epidemiological and pathologically overlapping diseases.


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  • National Wildlife Health Center
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P93VJE52

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