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Lee Tibbitts


Office Phone: 907-786-7038
Fax: 907-786-7021
ORCID: 0000-0002-0290-7592

4210 University Drive
Anchorage , AK 99508-4626
This data package includes 2 child items with tracking data of buff-breasted sandpiper, a shorebird species that breeds only in Arctic Alaska and Canada, spending the winter in the grasslands of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina after a lengthy migration. Child Item 1: "Argos and GPS Satellite Tracking Data for Buff-breasted Sandpipers (Calidris subruficollis) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos and Argos-linked GPS satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos and GPS Satellite Tracking Data for Buff-breasted Sandpipers (Calidris subruficollis) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos and Argos-linked GPS satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The "Processed...
This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Blue-winged Teal, a duck species that breeds throughout much of North America and whose wintering range includes neotropical areas of the Caribbean and Central and South America, thus providing a migratory link between the continents of North and South America. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The The "Argos Processed Data"...
Categories: Data; Tags: Alberta, Anas discors, Animal tracking, Animals/Vertebrates, Argos, All tags...
This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Whimbrels, a shorebird found throughout tundra and boreal habitats of Alaska during the summer and winters along the coasts of the continental U.S., and central and South America. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The The "Argos Processed Data" (Child Item 1) are better suited for most analytical purposes. Version History: First...
This data package contains geospatial layers used for selecting bird survey locations in Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve. 1)"ANIA_original_sample_sitesAlb83" represents the nine 10-km X 10-km sample plots selected for the Aniakchak bird surveys. 2)"ANIA_sample_location_waypointsAlb83" is a summary of the 136 locations at which Aniakchak bird surveys were conducted. 3)"ANIA_sampled_plotsAlb83" represents the nine 10-km X 10-km sample plots inventoried during the Aniakchak bird surveys. 4)"ANIA_savage_site_checksAlb83" represents unique sites within Aniakchak that were identified for site visits based on expert opinion.
This data release includes 2 child items with tracking data for Marbled Godwits, a large-bodied shorebird that, in Alaska, nests in the southwestern portion of the state. Child Item 1: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) - Processed Data" Quality-controlled data collected from Argos satellite transmitters. Child Item 2: "Argos Satellite Tracking Data for Marbled Godwit (Limosa fedoa) - Raw Data" All raw data collected from Argos satellite transmitters, provided for completeness of the archive. The "Processed Data" (Child Item 1) are better suited for most analytical purposes.
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