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Ernest W Valdez

Research Wildlife Biologist

Office Phone: 505-277-0284
Fax: 505-277-0316
ORCID: 0000-0002-7262-3069
These bat location estimates have been reported by Bogan and others (In press) and come in the form of a GIS shape file. Three species of nectar-feeding phyllostomid bats migrate north from Mexico into deserts of the United States (U.S.) each spring and summer to feed on blooms of columnar cacti and century plants (Agave spp). However, the habitat needs of these important desert pollinators are poorly understood. We followed the nighttime movements of two species of long-nosed bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae and L. nivalis) in an area of late-summer sympatry at the northern edges of their migratory ranges. We radiotracked bats in extreme southwestern New Mexico during 22 nights over two summers and acquired location...
This dataset represents the date and related identification number for each guano sample collected from the western small-footed bat (Myotis ciliolabrum) captured at Chaco Culture National Historical Park, El Malpais National Monument and El Malpais National Conservation Area, Mesa Verde National Park, Pecos National Historical Park, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, and Capulin Volcano National Monument, USA. Additionally, from analyses of guano, percent volumes of insects consumed by M. ciliolabrum with totals for each sample equal to 100%. Some samples may not equal 100% due to rounding up of calculated percentages, particularly for percent frequency.
Acoustic monitoring stations were comprised of Wildlife Acoustics SMBAT2+ bat detectors powered by a 6v 36 AH (Powersonic, Model PS-6062NB) external battery and charged by a 6v solar panel (Brunton Solarflat) with a 6/12 voltage regulator (Rogue Engineering Inc.). Detectors were programmed to turn on at 1800 hours and monitor continuously throughout the night when triggered automatically by echolocating bats. Detectors stopped recording at 0600 hours the following morning. In general, most data were recorded in a zero crossing file format to allow for larger volumes to be recorded nightly over time. Acoustic monitoring was conducted only at Pinenut (PNUT) and Arizona 1 (AZ1) uranium mines where impacts to detectors...
We documented the type two polyketide synthases(PKS II) gene diversity and novelty by sequencing KSα genes known to synthesize bioactive small molecules. Sequences were derived from culturable bacteria isolated from bats in Arizona and New Mexico. We targeted the PKS II pathway which comprised a large proportion of the culture collection. Genomic analyses of a 16-member subset of bat bacterial isolates were additionally explored to document total BGC diversity and novelty of the bat microbiome. Data used for PKS II gene variant number per isolate by state were comprised of number of amino acid sequences per isolate (Num_seqs_per_isolate) by state, with related isolate identification (Isolate ID) and isolate number...
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