These topographic/bathymetric digital elevation models (DEMs) were collected and compiled to characterize erosion and deposition in the Colorado River and in an adjacent zone of laterally recirculating flow (eddy) during both average flow conditions and during a controlled flood that occurred in March 2008. The objectives of the study were to measure changes sandbar morphology that occurred during changes in discharge associated with the controlled flood. These data were collected between February 6 and March 31, 2008 in a 1-mile study reach on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park beginning 44.5 miles downstream from Lees Ferry, Arizona. These data were collected by the USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring...
Tags: Arizona,
Colorado River,
Eminence Break,
Eminence Break field site,
Glen Canyon Dam, All tags...
Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program,
Grand Canyon National Park,
Lees Ferry,
Marble Canyon,
Reson Seabat 8124 sonar with TSS MAHRSS reference system,
USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center,
Willie Taylor field site,
bathymetry measurement,
channel morphology,
controlled flooding,
digital elevation models,
field experiments,
freshwater ecosystems,
high-flow experiment,
lateral flow separation zones,
multibeam sonar,
predictive models,
recirculating flow,
river mile 44.5,
river mile 45,
sandbar morphology,
sediment depostion,
sediment erosion,
sediment transport,
stream channel,
stream discharge,
streamflow condtions,
streamflow models,
streamflow velocity,
streamflow velocity profile measurements,
topographic data,
total station, Fewer tags
These data were compiled to provide a resource for other researchers interested in water-surface elevations and flow velocity across a wide range of discharge in the study reach for the project. Objective(s) of our study were to construct a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the 15.8 mile tailwater reach of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry, Arizona. These data represent the results of the two-dimensional modeling effort with each data table (50) including the results of each run of the model. Additionally, other data represent a comparison of modeled water surface elevations to measured water surface elevations for historic Bureau of Reclamation cross sections in the study...
Tags: Arizona,
Coconino County,
Colorado River,
Glen Canyon, All tags...
Glen Canyon Dam,
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area,
Information Sciences,
Lees Ferry,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Water Resources,
accuracy assessment,
bathymetry measurement,
bed shear stress,
data release,
digital elevation models,
flow velocity,
hydraulic characteristics,
hydrographic datasets,
mathematical modeling,
shoreline extents,
stream discharge,
tailwater reach,
two-dimensional hydrodynamic model,
water depths,
water surface elevation, Fewer tags
Water depth and depth-averaged water velocity in the lower San Joaquin River, California, collected generally near Greyson Bridge, the Old Fishermen's Club, and Sturgeon Bend. These data were collected using a SonTek M9 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) May 10-11, 2012, and May 24-25, 2012.
This data release supersedes version 1.0, published in November 2021 at https://doi.org/10.5066/P9CAZIHJ. Versioning details are documented in the accompanying Klamath_Grainsize_VersionHistory.txt file. This data release includes grain-size measurements of sediment samples collected from the substrate surface and uppermost 10 cm of sediment deposits in the Klamath estuary, northern California. Samples were collected using a BMH-60 bed-material sampler deployed from a boat, or by hand trowel from subaerial or shallow-water (less than 0.5 m water depth) regions along the estuary margins and side channels. Sediment grain size was analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) laboratory in Santa Cruz, Calif. Particles...
Categories: Data;
Tags: CMHRP,
Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program,
Del Norte County,
Geomorphology, All tags...
Klamath basin,
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center,
State of California,
U.S. Geological Survey,
field sampling,
grain size,
grain-size analysis,
land surface characteristics,
sediment grain size, Fewer tags
These profiles of suspended-sediment concentration were collected and compiled to characterize suspended sediment in the Colorado River during both average flow conditions and during a controlled flood that occurred in March 2008. The objectives of the study were to measure changes in suspended sediment that occurred during changes in discharge associated with the controlled flood. These data were collected between March 4 and March 10, 2008 in the center of the channel 44.64 river miles downstream from Lees Ferry, Arizona on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park. The sampling location was within a 1-mile study reach beginning 0.14 miles upstream from the sampling location. These data were collected...
Tags: Arizona,
Colorado River,
Eminence Break,
Eminence Break field site,
Glen Canyon Dam, All tags...
Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program,
Grand Canyon National Park,
Lees Ferry,
Marble Canyon,
USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center,
controlled flooding,
field sampling,
grain size,
grain-size analysis,
river mile 44.64,
sediment transport,
suspended sediment,
suspended-sediment concentration,
vertical profile,
water sampling, Fewer tags
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