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Richard W Briggs

Research Geologist

Geologic Hazards Science Center

Office Phone: 303-273-8465
Fax: 303-273-8600
ORCID: 0000-0001-8108-0046

1711 Illinois St
P.O. Box 25046
Mail Stop 966
Denver , CO 80225-0046
This dataset contains a point cloud and orthophoto of the Curtis Lake North area, Mushroom Rock region, northeastern California created using structure-from-motion. It is Dataset S1 in the related manuscript.
This data release contains field data for two P-wave seismic reflection profiles acquired across the Warm Springs Valley fault zone, part of the Northern Walker Lane, NV. The dataset consists of high-resolution seismic reflection field records in .segy format, shot coordinates in .csv format, and observers’ logs in .pdf format. The high-resolution seismic profiles are approximately 4 km long. The northern profile (Warm Springs Line 1) is oblique to a prominent fault bounded ridge. The southern profile (Warm Springs Line 2) crosses the northern end of Warm Springs Valley and is nearly co-located with COCORP profile NV-08. To obtain the seismic profiles, we used a 230 kg accelerated weight drop source and a nominal...
This dataset contains a point cloud and orthophoto of the Nelson Slides area, Mushroom Rock region, northeastern California created using structure-from-motion. It is Dataset S3 in the related manuscript.
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