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Daniel (Contractor) D Buscombe


Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center

Office Phone: 831-460-7461
ORCID: 0000-0001-6217-5584

2885 Mission St Occupancy Agreement # Aca12594
400 Natural Bridges Drive
Santa Cruz , CA 95060

Supervisor: Jonathan Warrick
These data were compiled for investigating the relationship between acoustic backscattering by riverbeds composed of various riverbed substrates (bed sediment), and for developing and testing a probabilistic model for substrate classification based on high-frequency multibeam acoustic backscatter. The model is described in Buscombe et al. (2017). The data consist of various quantities on coincident grids, from various sites along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, including water depth, bed roughness, the area (or footprint) of the acoustic beam, unfiltered and filtered backscatter magnitude, sediment classification (for each location, 1 of 5 sediment classes in a categorical scheme), and the probabilities for...
This page contains links to the digital elevation models and orthoimages 10-11, one month post-Hurricane Dorian. See main landing page for additional dates and information.
This data release presents structure-from-motion (SFM) products derived from aerial imagery surveys with precise Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) navigation data flown in a piloted fixed wing aircraft taken along the North Carolina coast in response to Hurricane Florence (available here USGS researchers use the elevation models and orthorectified imagery to assess future coastal vulnerability, nesting habitats for wildlife, and provide data for hurricane impact models. The products span the coast over both highly developed towns and natural areas, including federal lands. These products represent the coast after Hurricane Florence and cover the Cape...
This data release presents structure-from-motion products derived from imagery taken along the North Carolina coast in response to storm events and the recovery process. USGS researchers use the aerial photogrammetry data and products to assess future coastal vulnerability, nesting habitats for wildlife, and provide data for hurricane impact models. This research is part of the Remote Sensing Coastal Change Project. Products include digital elevation models and orthorectified imagery (RGB averaged products) created from aerial imagery surveys with precise Global Navigation Satellite Systen (GNSS) navigation data flown in a piloted fixed wing aircraft (available here
These data were compiled for analyses of sediment transport within the Chippewa River, WI. Objective(s) of our study were to determine sand loads contributed by the Chippewa River to the Mississippi River. These data include physical suspended-sediment samples, acoustical suspended-sediment measurements, acoustical suspended-sediment loads, quasi-continuous measurements of bed-elevation, multibeam sonar survey data, and longitudinal profiles of the bed-elevation at certain locations. These data were collected in the Chippewa River in 2018 and 2019. Acoustical suspended-sediment data also include data from March and April 2020. These data were collected by the USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center and...
Tags: Chippewa River, Durand, Geochemistry, Geography, Geomorphology, All tags...
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