This metadata record documents 11 comma delimited tables representing the amount of reported best management practice (BMP) implementation for the years from 1985 to 2014 at three geographic scales: county or land-river modeling segment, River Input Monitoring (RIM) station drainage areas, and the entire Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBWS). Data originated from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed jurisdictions including Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, New York, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Data were reported to the Chesapeake Bay Program for an annual review of progress toward meeting nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment reduction goals.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Animal,
Appomattox River,
Best management practice,
Chesapeake Bay, All tags...
Chesapeake Bay watershed,
Choptank River,
Conservation practice,
District of Columbia,
Isolation scenarios,
James River,
Land use,
Land use change,
Load reduction,
Mattaponi River,
New York,
Non-RIM Eastern Shore,
Non-RIM Western Shore,
Nutrient sources,
Pamunkey River,
Patuxent River,
Potomac River,
Rappahannock River,
Susquehanna River,
United States,
Watershed Model,
West Virginia, Fewer tags
Includes the following files for the indicated years. Includes the following files for the indicated years. Atmospheric Deposition (atmdep) Biosolids CSO Direct Deposit Fertilizer Land Use Manure Nitrogen Fixation (nfix) Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIB) Septic Uptake Wastewater
Includes the following files for the indicated years. Includes the following files for the indicated years. Atmospheric Deposition (atmdep) Biosolids CSO Direct Deposit Fertilizer Land Use Manure Nitrogen Fixation (nfix) Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIB) Septic Uptake Wastewater
Includes the following files for the indicated years. Includes the following files for the indicated years. Atmospheric Deposition (atmdep) Biosolids CSO Direct Deposit Fertilizer Land Use Manure Nitrogen Fixation (nfix) Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIB) Septic Uptake Wastewater
This metadata record documents 3 sets of comma delimited tables representing the amount of reported best management practice (BMP) implementation within the Chesapeake Bay watershed as well as output data from scenarios of the Chesapeake Bay Program Phase 5.3.2 Watershed Model. The scenario data were used to estimate the effects of BMPs on water quality. The data are organized by three themes (child items below); 1) BMP implementation and definitions, 2) isolation scenarios, and 3) "Progress" and "No Action" scenarios.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Animal,
Appomattox River,
Best management practice,
Chesapeake Bay, All tags...
Chesapeake Bay watershed,
Choptank River,
Conservation practice,
District of Columbia,
Isolation scenarios,
James River,
Land Use Change,
Land use,
Land use change,
Load reduction,
Mattaponi River,
New York,
Non-RIM Eastern Shore,
Non-RIM Western Shore,
Nutrient sources,
Pamunkey River,
Patuxent River,
Potomac River,
Rappahannock River,
Susquehanna River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
United States,
Water Quality,
Watershed Model,
West Virginia, Fewer tags
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