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Anna C Baker


Office Phone: 763-272-8693

2280 Woodale Drive
Mounds View , MN 55112-4900
This data release contains a netCDF file containing decadal estimates of nitrate leached from septic systems (kilograms per hectare per year, or kg/ha) in the state of Wisconsin from 1850 to 2010, as well as the python code and supporting files used to create the netCDF file. The netCDF file is used as an input to a Nitrate Decision Support Tool for the State of Wisconsin (GW-NDST; Juckem and others, 2024). The dataset was constructed starting with 1990 census records, which included responses about households using septic systems for waste disposal. The fraction of population using septic systems in 1990 was aggregated at the county scale and applied backward in time for each decade from 1850 to 1980. For decades...
A Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool (GW-NDST) for wells in Wisconsin was developed to assist resource managers with assessing how legacy and possible future nitrate leaching rates, combined with groundwater lag times and potential denitrification, influence nitrate concentrations in wells (Juckem et al. 2024). Running and using the GW-NDST software involves downloading the software code (version 1.1.0) from the code repository (, downloading GIS data for the machine learning support models (child data release "GIS files required to run the Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin"), downloading the parameter uncertainty file (child data release "Parameter ensemble...
This data set was compiled to support the development of a model of oxygen reduction rates in Wisconsin groundwater wells; a model which is part of a Groundwater Nitrate Decision Support Tool for Wisconsin. Data were compiled from previously published studies with data collection from 1987 to 2009. Only data describing redox condition, groundwater age, depth to water, and well construction were compiled, though a majority of these studies presented a broader suite of analytes. Parameters compiled include dissolved oxygen, nitrate, indicators of denitrification, and parameters used in estimating groundwater age including tritium and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) concentration. Age estimates based on these data, where...
The U.S. Geological Survey developed two steady-state finite-difference regional groundwater-flow models using the MODFLOW-NWT computer code. These models simulate flow in the area of historical iron mining on and around the portion of the Mesabi Iron Range that is in the St. Louis River basin in northeastern Minnesota. The models are composed of 8 layers each; the upper four representing unconsolidated glacial sediments and the lower 4 representing bedrock. Horizontal boundary flows for these models are the results of a 2-dimensional analytic element groundwater-flow model of the entire St. Louis River Basin documented here: and available here:
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