Field estimates of the abundance of rainbow trout in Washington and British Columbia were collected in concert with environmental DNA samples (eDNA) to evaluate if eDNA copy numbers correlated with abundance of trout. In addition, stream habitat data including channel units (pools, riffles), substrate, large woody debris, among others, were collected at sites.
Field estimates of the abundance of two trout species (bull trout and westslope cutthroat trout) in Montana and rainbow trout in Washington and British Columbia were collected in concert with environmental DNA samples (eDNA) to evaluate if eDNA copy numbers correlated with abundance of trout. In addition, stream habitat data including channel units (pools, riffles), substrate, large woody debris, among others, were collected at sites.
The dataset includes measurements of stream habitat, fish abundance of westslope cutthroat trout and bull trout, and species-specific measures of environmental DNA (eDNA) from within the water. The data covers multiple streams in western Montana.
Prior to the initiation of translocation efforts in 2017, Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) were last documented in the Okanogan river subbasin in 2010. It appears as if lamprey were extirpated in the Okanogan subbasin some time shortly after that. However, until 2017, monitoring and management actions for lamprey were minimal in the Okanogan subbasin. This lack of monitoring has resulted in a large gap in understanding of the recent historical status of Pacific lamprey distribution throughout the Okanogan subbasin. Recent (beginning in 2017) translocation efforts have helped to rebound or reestablish lamprey in the Okanogan subbasin. Analysis of archived eDNA samples from the Okanogan river and its tributaries...
Categories: Data,
Data Release - Revised;
Tags: Aquatic Biology,
British Columbia,
Columbia Basin,
Entosphenus tridentatus, All tags...
Okanogan River,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Wildlife Biology,
environmental DNA,
environmental DNA,
migratory species,
translocation, Fewer tags
The goal of this study is to use eDNA as a cost effective tool for documenting the occurrence and distribution of ESA-listed spring-chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) throughout the Okanogan and Methow watersheds in an effort to map habitat use and connectivity. Our approach will use eDNA to detect low density spring-chinook in filtered water samples to inventory distribution and re-colonization of tributaries at strategically-sampled points throughout entire stream networks. This approach will provide one of the first applications of eDNA technology for monitoring distribution of native fish species of conservation concern. The findings will help the Colville Tribe Fisheries Managers assess aquatic connectivity...