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Western Geographic Science Center
Western Geographic Science Center

345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park , CA 94025
Parent Organization: Office of the Southwest Regional Director
Note: This dataset has been revised and superseded by version 2.0, available here: Remote sensing based maps of tidal marshes, both of their extents and carbon stocks, have the potential to play a key role in conducting greenhouse gas inventories and implementing climate mitigation policies. Our objective was to generate a single remote sensing model of tidal marsh aboveground biomass and carbon that represents nationally diverse tidal marshes within the conterminous United States (CONUS). To meet this objective we developed the first national-scale dataset of aboveground tidal marsh biomass, species composition, and aboveground plant carbon content (%C) from six CONUS regions:...
To support coordinated conservation, wetland restoration, and climate adaptation planning, we have developed five future scenarios of the Central Valley's seasonally flooded cropland and wetland waterbird habitat based on the State’s most recent climate and land use projections (Wilson et al. 2021).The USGS Western Geographic Science Center and Point Blue Conservation Science modeled a Business-as-Usual scenario plus the four scenarios developed for the Central Valley Landscape Conservation Project, which diverged along two key themes: water availability and management for conservation. Scenarios varied by climate projection (hot and wet vs. warm and dry) and management priorities (wetland restoration rate, crop...
Here we provide information for the DESIS and PRISMA Derived Spectral Library of Agricultural Crops in California which was developed using DESIS and PRISMA hyperspectral data acquired for 2020. The DESIS images used for this dataset are available through the German Aerospace Center and Teledyne Brown (2022). PRISMA images are available through the Italian Space Agency (ASI) (2022). The crop type data and confidence layer for the year 2020 can be accessed through the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (2022). The DESIS and PRISMA Derived Spectral Library of Agricultural Crops dataset characteristics are described below, with DESIS and PRISMA data provided in two separate CSV files. Related Primary Publication:...
This dataset provides location information and some limited attributes of known and potential ciénegas in the Madrean Archipelago ecoregion and closely surrounding area. This was created using point data and information provided by Dean Hendrickson and Thomas Minckley, combined with potential locations derived from analysis of classified raster land cover images and other specialized datasets. Ciénegas, as defined here, are wetlands in arid and semi-arid regions associated with groundwater or lotic components that ideally result in perennial waters on temporal scales of decades to centuries. Ciénegas are typically located at elevations ranging from 0 to 2000m. Ciénegas are typified by significant differences in...
To determine if invasive annual grasses increased around energy developments after the construction phase, we calculated an invasives index using Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery for a 34-year time period (1985-2018) and assessed trends for 1,755 wind turbines (from the U.S. Wind Turbine Database) installed between 1988 and 2013 in the southern California desert. The index uses the maximum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for early season greenness (January-June), and mean NDVI (July-October) for the later dry season. We estimated the relative cover of invasive annuals each year at turbine locations and control sites and tested for changes before and after each turbine was installed. These data were used...
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