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Patricia R Ries

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR) has been quantitatively sampling a mussel bed in West Newton Chute (a side channel in Navigation Pool 5 of the Upper Mississippi River, UMR) annually since 2008. Briefly, ~200 systematically-placed 0.25 m2 quads are sampled annually; divers excavate substrates to a depth of ~15 cm and place material into a 6 mm mesh bag. Mussels are identified to species, aged via external annuli, measured for shell length, and sexed. From 2008-2016, this mussel bed contained 12-16 live species, had densities that ranged from 4-10/m2, and juveniles (≤ 5 years old) comprised 3-18% of the assemblage. Because this assemblage was well characterized, it represented an excellent location...
The goal of this project was to quantify the background physiological condition of mussels in the Minnesota and St. Croix River basins using glycogen as an indicator of physiological stress. We obtained 230 samples of foot tissue from Lampsilis cardium (n=118) and Lasmigona complanata (n=112) from a total of four rivers during September 1-5, 2015. From each sample, we weighed out a 10.0 ± 2.0 mg aliquot for glycogen determination by the alkaline digestion and phenol-sulfuric acid spectrophotometric method. The accuracy of glycogen determinations was quantified by the use of procedural blanks, replicates of an in-house reference material, triplicate analysis of four aqueous calibration standards, duplicate analysis...
To quantify the responses of native mussel to the range of environmental conditions in the Minnesota River and St. Croix River basins, laboratory experiments will examine the physiological responses of mussels to different levels of suspended sediment and bed instability over a range of flow rates. Experiments will be conducted in the Outdoor StreamLab and flumes at the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory at the University of Minnesota. The experimental streams allow for direct manipulation of environmental conditions in a field-scale channel while collecting laboratory quality measurements. Laboratory experiments will focus on mussel response to suspended sediment (water quality) and bed instability (increased flows or...
Resource managers are currently using reductions in the Upper Mississippi River’s (UMR) water levels during summer to mimic historical water levels and rehabilitate habitats for vegetation and desirable fauna. However, drawdowns may have adverse effects on native mussel populations. Over the past few years, systematic, pool-wide surveys of mussels in Pools 5, 6, and 18 have been conducted. The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of water level drawdown on the mortality, movement, and behavior of a common Lampsilini species, Lampsilis cardium, and a common Amblemini species, Amblema plicata, in Pool 6 of the UMR during 2009 and 2010. About 460 mussels were tagged and followed about weekly during...
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