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Paul M Cryan

Research Biologist

Office Phone: 970-226-9389
Fax: 970-226-9230
ORCID: 0000-0002-2915-8894

2150 Centre Avenue
Building C
Fort Collins , CO 80526-8118
These data contain the supplementary results corresponding with the journal article: Using mobile acoustic monitoring and false-positive N-mixture models to estimate bat abundance and population trends by Udell et al. (2024) in Ecological Monographs. These results contain the findings from the North American Bat Monitoring Program's (NABat) "Summer Abundance Status and Trends" analyses which used mobile transect acoustic data for three species (tricolored bat, little brown bat, and big brown bat). Data from the entire summer season (May 1–Aug 31) were used in the modeling process. Here, tabular data for each species include predictions (with uncertainty) of relative abundance (and trends over time) in the summer...
This data release contains the environmental geospatial raster data sets used to estimate summer roosting habitat for 4 species considered under the United States Forest Service proposed Bat Conservation Strategy (Myotis lucifugus, MYLU; Myotis septentrionalis, MYSE; Myotis sodalis, MYSO; and Perimyotis subflavus, PESU). This suite of environmental data was hypothesized to influence summer roost habitat suitability and were produced at a spatial resolution of 250 m per pixel.
These bat location estimates have been reported by Bogan and others (In press) and come in the form of a GIS shape file. Three species of nectar-feeding phyllostomid bats migrate north from Mexico into deserts of the United States (U.S.) each spring and summer to feed on blooms of columnar cacti and century plants (Agave spp). However, the habitat needs of these important desert pollinators are poorly understood. We followed the nighttime movements of two species of long-nosed bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae and L. nivalis) in an area of late-summer sympatry at the northern edges of their migratory ranges. We radiotracked bats in extreme southwestern New Mexico during 22 nights over two summers and acquired location...
The Yǻyaguak (Mariana Swiftlet; Aerodramus bartschi) is an endangered cave-roosting species native to Guam and southern Mariana Islands, Micronesia. On May 24-25, 2023, Guam was hit by the category-4 Typhoon Mawar, which brought wide-spread destruction to the island. Approximately 6 weeks prior to the typhoon in April 2023 we conducted surveys of the three known colonies of Yǻyaguak at Mahlac, Maemong, and Fachi caves. This April 2023 pre-Mawar survey provided a baseline population estimate prior to Typhoon Mawar’s landfall. In July 2023, we re-surveyed the caves to estimate colony size and assess whether the cave colonies experienced significant declines in the immediate aftermath of the storm. In November 2023,...
Migratory species may provide more ecosystem goods and services to humans in certain parts of their range than others. These areas may or may not coincide with the locations of habitat on which the species is most dependent for its continued population viability. This situation can present significant policy challenges, as locations that most support a given species may be in effect subsidizing the provision of services in other locations, often in different political jurisdictions. The ability to quantify these spatial subsidies could be used to develop economic incentives that internalize the costs and benefits of protecting migratory species, enhancing cross-jurisdictional cooperative management. Targeted payments...
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