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Office of Science Quality and Integrity

Office of Science Quality and Integrity
Parent Organization: Office of the Director for USGS
In this data release, Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil occurrence charts are provided as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for 57 cores, wells, or outcrops from the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain (Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey) and one core from offshore New Jersey. Samples have been assigned a USGS sample number and are organized by depth below (cores and wells) or height above (outcrops) the land surface. Based on their known stratigraphic position, lithology, and specific calcareous nannofossil species content, each sample, where possible, was assigned to a geologic formation, age, and standard Martini (1971) calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic zone. Six additional reference files are provided: (1) introductory...
In this data release, Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil occurrence charts are provided as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for 15 cores or outcrops from the Gulf Coastal Plain (Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia). Samples have been assigned a USGS sample number and are organized by depth below (cores and wells) or height above (outcrops) the land surface. Based on their known stratigraphic position, lithology, and specific calcareous nannofossil species content, each sample, where possible, was assigned to a geologic formation, age, and standard Martini (1971) calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic zone. Five additional reference files are provided: (1) location information for each core or outcrop, (2) a list of calcareous...
In this data release, Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil occurrence charts are provided as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for 17 cores from the South Atlantic Coastal Plain (North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia) Samples have been assigned a USGS sample number and are organized by depth below the land surface. Based on their known stratigraphic position, lithology, and specific calcareous nannofossil species content, each sample, where possible, was assigned to a geologic formation, age, and standard Martini (1971) calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic zone. Five additional reference files are provided: (1) location information for each core, well, or outcrop, (2) a list of calcareous nannofossil species found...
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