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Danny L Rutherford


Office Phone: 303-236-0546
Fax: 303-236-3200
ORCID: 0000-0003-1013-8006
This data release includes sampling location data; field-collected stream attribute data; laboratory-analyzed chemistry concentrations (total mercury, methyl mercury) and isotopic composition (total mercury, carbon, and nitrogen) for stream biota (seston, periphyton, benthic insects, emerging adult insects, riparian spiders, and fish); density, body length, and taxonomic information for benthic insects; and density, biomass, and taxonomic information for emerging adult aquatic insects for biota sampled from stream reaches up and downstream of an historical mercury mine site. Sampling took place during summer low-flow conditions in 2015 and 2016. Stream reaches were located on USFS land near the Cinnabar Mine Site...
Water and sediment samples were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at or near baseflow conditions from 2015-2017 in the East Fork South Fork Salmon River watershed near Yellow Pine, Valley County, Idaho. Soil, rock and tailings samples were collected in June 2015. Sampling focused on Cinnabar Creek, which flows through the Cinnabar mine site, and Sugar Creek, with additional sites selected to place the data into a larger watershed context. Grab samples were taken of the snowpack in January 2017. The water, soil, sediment, and rock samples were as described and the results are presented as separate water and solid data sets.
This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains strontium isotopic data from water and rock samples collected between 2000 and 2019 from the Mount Emmons area, central Colorado. The data include strontium isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr, for surface- and groundwater samples collected from streams, springs, draining mines, piezometers, and drill holes and for leachates of rock samples collected from surface outcrops and drill core. Rock sample isotopic data are results from two-step leaching of samples from various lithologies within the study area. Drill core rock and water samples were collected from holes drilled in 2017 and 2018 as part of a U.S. Geological Survey and Department of Energy investigation...
The USGS examined mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish populations inhabiting impacted and reference streams as part of an investigation into the transport of trace metals in a watershed impacted by legacy mercury mining downstream from the Cinnabar mine site, Valley County, ID. Fish were sampled through an electrofishing survey utilizing a two-pass quantitative depletion approach where possible. Five reaches were selected in the Sugar Creek/Cinnabar Creek watershed, including two background reaches (ID020; ID021) with negligible mining impacts, Cinnabar Creek above the confluence with Sugar Creek (ID019), and two sites on Sugar Creek below the confluence with Cinnabar Creek (ID018 and ID010). Juvenile Bull trout...
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