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Jeffrey (Chuck) A Hansen

Supervisory Hydrologist

California Water Science Center

Office Phone: 916-278-3076
Fax: 916-278-3070

California District Office - Placer Hall
Placer Hall
6000 J Street
Sacramento , CA 95819-6129

Supervisor: Joseph L Domagalski
Groundwater-quality data collected between 1993 and 2015 were compiled from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS) database for 722 wells in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV). Groundwater-quality data retrieved included lab analyses of complete major ion data (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, nitrate, alkalinity, bicarbonate, carbonate, silica, and TDS) for 613 samples, and an additional 109 samples with measured values of specific conductance. Most of these wells were sampled as part of the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Priority Basin Project or the USGS National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. In addition...
Mendenhall and others (1916) published depth-to-water data compiled in 1910 for all known wells in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Data for the 3,429 wells having depth-to-water of greater than zero feet were used to construct an interpolated depth-to-water surface for the entire SJV. This map represents groundwater levels in approximately 1910, prior to extensive development of the groundwater system. A depth-to-water contour map with contour lines of 5, 10, 15, and 25 meters below land surface was then drawn from this raster surface.
The dataset documents the spatial and temporal variability of nutrients, phytoplankton, and related water quality parameters at high spatial resolution in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and Suisun Bay of California, USA. The dataset includes nitrate, ammonium, orthophosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and chlorophyll as well as information about phytoplankton community composition. Data were collected under different environmental/flow conditions in June, July, August, and October of 2020, and May, July, and October of 2021. The data release consists of a .xml document, and .txt and shapefile documents. Descriptions for each document and file are listed in the...
The goal of this study was to develop a suite of inter-related water quality monitoring approaches capable of modeling and estimating the spatial and temporal gradients of particulate and dissolved total mercury (THg) concentration, and particulate and dissolved methyl mercury (MeHg), concentration, in surface waters across the Sacramento / San Joaquin River Delta (SSJRD). This suite of monitoring approaches included: a) data collection at fixed continuous monitoring stations (CMS) outfitted with in-situ sensors, b) spatial mapping using boat-mounted flow-through sensors, and c) satellite-based remote sensing. The focus of this specific Child Page is to present all field and laboratory-based data associated with...
Northeast SJV (NESJV), Southeast SJV (SESJV), Western SJV (WSJV), and Southern SJV (SSJV). These regions were primarily defined from the California Department of Water Resources SJV groundwater subbasins (CDWR, 2003); minor modifications were made to the CDWR defined subbasin boundaries to optimize separation of groundwater derived from the Sierra Nevada to the east and from the Coast Ranges to the west under predevelopment conditions. Each region was divided into equal-area grid cells, ranging from 280 km2 in the SESJV to 984 km2 in the SSJV, for a total of 88 cells. These cell sizes were the minimum sizes in each region for which 60% of the cells in the region would contain at least 1 well with full major ion...
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