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Darren Kavanagh

This database is a compilation database of all available land trust and TNC conservation data
Columbia Plateau irrigation canals & ditches raster layer geodatabase. Also included is the source vector polygon.
Categories: Project; Types: ScienceBase Project; Tags: Habitat
Includes five rasters: CP_Soil_AWC - Available water capacity (floating point raster). CP_Soil_Depth_to_Restrict - Depth to first restrictive layer (floating point raster). CP_Soil_Depth_to_Restrict _Classed - Depth to first restrictive layer classified for modeling. CP_Soil_Texture_Classes - Soil texture classes. CP_Soil_Rast - Base raster that includes all values for preceding rasters in its attribute table.
Categories: Project; Types: ScienceBase Project; Tags: Habitat
This dataset assesses cumulative anthropogenic disturbance impacts on the landscape in Wyoming, improving methodology outlined by Copeland et al. (2007). We gathered known datasets that represented the impacts of human activities within the state of Wyoming. The following dataset layers were combined into one single raster grid: agricultural lands, mines, oil and gas pipelines, oil and gas wells, power lines, residential development, roads, and wind turbines. We assigned weights, cutoff distance of impact, and decay functions to each dataset layer (e.g., roads, etc.) to assign a cost surface value to each dataset. The value is derived from the weighted distance of the impact; the assigned value diminishes as distance...
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