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Shannon M Barber-meyer

Radio-collared wolves in the Superior National Forest that were killed by other wolves or probably killed by wolves between 1968 and 2014
This dataset contains gray wolf (Canis lupus) survival and cause-specific mortality data from radiocollared wolves (n=756 collared-wolf tenures) from 1968-2018 in the USGS Wolf Project study area (2,060 km2) of the Superior National Forest, USA, an area that also includes the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Also, included are the annual resident winter wolf counts for the study area.
This dataset contains the capture location and summer location of deer radio-collared in the Garden Lake deeryard, near Ely MN during the summers of 1998, 1999, 2001, 2014, and 2017. The data set also contains the distance and direction deer migrated from capture locations to summer locations.
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