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Cory E Angeroth


Office of Planning and Programming



Supervisor: Dianna M Crilley
This data release has the results of 333 online survey respondents representing 17 federal agencies and 7 Executive Branch departments from March 14 through April 14, 2022 regarding The Federal Priority Streamgage (FPS) network of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The FPS network was created in 1999 as the National Streamflow Information Program and receives congressionally appropriated funding to support the operation of a federally funded “backbone” network of streamflow gages across the United States that are designated to meet the “federal needs” or priorities of the country. Anticipating the evolution of federal stakeholder water-data needs, and advances in monitoring and communication technologies, the USGS...
A topographic and bathymetric survey was collected along a reach of the Green River downstream of Dinosaur National Monument. The surveyed reach extends approximately 16 kilometers upstream and 6 kilometers downstream of the U.S. Route 40 bridge near Jensen, Utah. The topographic and bathymetric data include survey point data for 382 cross sections over 22 kilometers and are provided as a text file of easting, northing and elevation, in meters. The cross-section location data were collected using real-time kinematic Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) by USGS personnel from March 26, 2018, through March 29, 2018 using a combination of Sound Navigation and Ranging (SONAR) and wading techniques.
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