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Nick Elwell

This data release provides information on the chemistry and character of bed sediments accumulated in the 1.6-mile long impoundment behind Enloe Dam on the Similkameen River in Okanogan County, WA. Sediment samples were collected during four weeks in October – December 2019. The sampling locations were distributed among 10 transects that ranged from 0.1-0.2 miles apart along the length of the reservoir. Surficial grab samples of bed material were collected at 27 locations representing the left, right or center of the channel cross-section where sampling was possible using a Ponar sampler. Sediment cores were collected with a Vibracore at 12 locations at or near the surficial grab sample transects, and discrete sediment...
Boat-mounted acoustic doppler current profilers (ADCPs) were used to collect velocity data on the Columbia River in a small area near Northport, WA. Velocity surveys were collected during two surveys at high-flow, high-stage conditions in May 2018. Bathymetric data were also collected during one of the surveys using a single-beam echo-sounder. The datasets here provide 1) raw ADCP and single-beam survey data, 2) processed summaries of the data, primarily in geospatial data formats, and 3) summary visualizations of transect-averaged velocity and depth characteristics of the surveyed reach.
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