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Chester A Ruleman

We have constrained the age of the Nussbaum Gravel at Baculite Mesa, CO using cosmogenic Al-26/Be-10 isochron burial dating. Two samples, a coarse sand and a fine gravel, were prepared for burial dating at the Reston Cosmogenic Nuclide (RECON) Lab and measured via accelerator mass spectrometry at the Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement (PRIME) Lab. The results of this work are summarized in the file “BaculiteMesa_SiteLocation_Odom.csv”, which contains site data and burial age calculations; measurements of aluminum-26 and beryllium-10, as well as related data, are located in respective .csv files. We calculated respective minimum and maximum burial ages for the sand (1.25 ± 0.08 Ma and 1.66 ± 0.12 Ma) and gravel (1.44...
The Homestake Reservoir 7.5' quadrangle lies at the northwestern end of the Upper Arkansas Valley, and headwaters of the Arkansas River, and the Roaring Fork, Fryingpan, and Eagle Rivers of the Colorado River system. The quadrangle lies within tectonic provinces of the 1.4 Ga Picuris Orogeny, the late Paleozoic Ancestral Rockies, Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Laramide orogeny, Oligocene to Miocene, and Pliocene?, volcanism, and Miocene to the present Rio Grande rift extensional tectonics. In the eastern half of the quadrangle, high-angle, east-dipping, Neogene normal faults displace Proterozoic rocks, and locally Mio-Pliocene? volcanic rocks. Many quartz veins and hydrothermally altered zones are exposed along the eastern...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, GeoTIFF, Map Service, Raster; Tags: 10Be, 26Al, 10th Mountain Division Hut, Bald Eagle Mountain, Bear Lake, Brady Lake, All tags...
Denali National Park and Preserve (DENA), located in central Alaska, is home to iconic and dynamic landscapes surrounding the tallest mountain range in North America, the Alaska Range. DENA preserves over 6 million acres of wild land that provides opportunities for recreation, subsistence hunting and gathering, preservation of cultural resources, and scientific research. Despite its size and popularity, DENA has only one road—the dead-end, 92-mile Denali National Park Road (hereafter referred to as the Park Road). The Park Road is mostly gravel; only the first 15 miles are paved. It is the only access for most DENA infrastructure, including visitor centers, staff facilities, campgrounds, and businesses. The Park...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Alaska, Alaska Range, Browne glaciation, Cantwell Basin, Cantwell Formation, All tags...
This release presents the GIS data (in GDB, shapefile, and e00 [coverage] formats) and metadata for a 1:24,000-scale geologic map of the Poncha Pass area in central Colorado. A cartographic version of the geologic map, including map unit descriptions, interpretative text, and accessory figures and tables, is being separately published as a U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map (SIM). The map area is irregular in shape, covering all of one 7.5' quadrangle (Poncha Pass) and parts of five others (Mount Ouray, Maysville, Salida West, Salida East, and Wellsville). The map boundaries were drawn to cover all of the "Poncha mountain block", coincident with the approximately 15-kilometer-long northwestern...
Types: Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, OGC WMS Service; Tags: 40Ar/39Ar age, Arkansas River, Bear Creek, Bonanza Tuff, Bull Lake glaciation, All tags...
La Botica is positioned on a topographic bench sharply inset into the gentle eastern slope of the high San Juan Mountains and perched ~70-80 meters above La Jara Creek (fig. 1), a tributary to the Rio Grande. Quaternary surface processes have modified the Tertiary bedrock deposits that underlie La Botica to shape the physical environment. Bedrock deposits consist of Oligocene to Pliocene volcanic and sedimentary deposits related to the Rio Grande rift and the San Juan volcanic locus of the Southern Rocky Mountains volcanic field. Bedrock deposits are mildly deformed by normal faulting and eastward tilting related to the onset of extensional deformation in the Oligocene and formation of the San Luis Basin. Bedrock...
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