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Randall W Jibson

Earthquake-triggered ground-failure, such as landsliding and liquefaction, can contribute significantly to losses, but our current ability to accurately include them in earthquake hazard analyses is limited. The development of robust and transportable models requires access to numerous inventories of ground failure triggered by earthquakes that span a broad range of terrains, shaking characteristics, and climates. We present an openly accessible, centralized earthquake-triggered ground-failure inventory repository in the form of a ScienceBase Community to provide open access to these data, and help accelerate progress. The Community hosts digital inventories created by both USGS and non-USGS authors. We present...
The New Madrid Seismic Zone presents significant seismic hazard to the central and eastern United States. We mapped newly-identified coseismic ridge-spreading features, or sackungen, in the bluffs east of the Mississippi River in western Tennessee. We use this mapping dataset in an accompanying manuscript to show that sackungen form during earthquakes on the Reelfoot fault and may fail in preferred orientations. Ultimately, these data can be used to infer fault source and mechanism and improve the paleoseismic record used in hazard models.
These data present geolocated photographs, GPS tracks, and field-mapped ground failures collected during the USGS reconnaissance of ground failures following the 2018 M7.1 Anchorage Earthquake.
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