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John A Kupfer

We compiled and analyzed a database of burn permits for prescribed fires conducted in Florida and Georgia from 2006-2016. The dataset contains the number of permitted burns and expected acres burned by county in the two states for every day in the 11 year period. Also included are the county-wide average daily weather conditions for temperature and relative humidity, calculated from the University of Idaho gridMet dataset.
Abstract (from FireEcology) Background: Projected trajectories of climate and land use change over the remainder of the twenty-first century may result in conditions and situations that require flexible approaches to conservation planning and practices. For example, prescribed burning is a widely used management tool for promoting longer-term resilience and sustainability in longleaf pine ecosystems of the southeastern United States, but regional stressors such as climatic warming, changing fire conditions, and an expanding wildland-urban interface may challenge its application. To facilitate the development of fire management strategies that account for such changes, we surveyed nearly 300 fire managers to elicit...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Abstract (from International Journal of Wildland Fire): Prescribed burning is a critical tool for managing wildfire risks and meeting ecological objectives, but its safe and effective application requires that specific meteorological criteria (a ‘burn window’) are met. Here, we evaluate the potential impacts of projected climatic change on prescribed burning in the south-eastern United States by applying a set of burn window criteria that capture temperature, relative humidity and wind speed to projections from an ensemble of Global Climate Models under two greenhouse gas emission scenarios. Regionally, the percentage of suitable days for burning changes little during winter but decreases substantially in summer...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (SE CASC) promotes collaborative research, with a focus on training next-generation scientists through active engagement with stakeholders and agencies, to enhance landscape-level conservation and management of natural and cultural resources. The SE CASC is hosted by North Carolina State University (NCSU) with consortium partners Duke University, Auburn University, University of Florida, University of Tennessee, and University of South Carolina. University host NCSU connects the SE CASC to top scientists and stakeholders across the region to address the complexities of land management and conservation during rapid climate change, population growth, and urbanization....
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