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Kevin P Kenow

Research Wildlife Biologist

Office Phone: 608-781-6278
Fax: 608-783-6066
ORCID: 0000-0002-3062-5197

2630 Fanta Reed Road
La Crosse , WI 54603
Attributes of dives (i.e., proportion of time underwater, depth of dive, ascent and descent rates, duration of dive, time within 2 m of maximum depth, post dive surface interval) are extracted from pressure data, where depth (m) = pressure (dbars) * 1.019716 using the SAS software code provided. Dives were considered to be submergence below the water surface, which are define as recorded depth of >0.8 m (typical body length of adult common loons in this study). Because pressure data were collected at 20-sec intervals, we interpolated the times of both dive initiation and surfacing. Average ascent and descent rates were estimated individually for each loon and used to interpolate these times, where rates were based...
These data contain observation and null polygons for waterfowl aerial surveys of Lake Michigan collected through the years 2009-2014. Polygons were created adjacent to either side of the flight lines (transects). The right and left offset of the polygons from the flight path, was determined using the average altitude of the plane along the transect and the observation angle through the plane’s window. Observed birds were counted and identified by species. This count data was attributed to the polygon closest to the point along the transect where the observation occurred, and on the side of the plane in which the observation took place. The point data represent counts where each point represents a single species....
To help determine whether Hg had a causal effect on corticosterone, we investigated the impact of experimental Hg intake on the corticosterone stress response in captive juvenile loons. Juveniles were subjected to three different feeding regimes: 0, 0.4 and 1.2 µg Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight (ww) fish. We then measured baseline and 30 min post-solitary confinement stressor corticosterone concentrations. The data set consists of times of blood draws and dietary Hg levels. Blood samples and data set were provided to the senior author for analysis.
To assess the flooding tolerance of Sagittaria latifolia and S. rigida, we assessed three levels of timing of inundation (early- [11 June], mid- [12 July], late-season [12 August]), three levels of duration (short [1 day], mid [5 days], long [10 days]), and four levels of depth (reference plant not treated, shallow [5 cm], moderate [20 cm], deep [45 cm]) on survival and productivity of Sagittaria plants. Plants were produced from seeds of S. latifolia and S. rigida, and from S. latifolia tubers. Sagittaria plants were reared in six 50 m2 outdoor concrete ponds at the USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, and subjected to various levels of inundation throughout the growing...
This code supports the manuscript Kenow KP, Houdek SC, Fara LJ, Erickson RA, Gray BR, Harrison TJ, Monson BA, Henderson CL. In Press. Patterns of mercury and selenium exposure in Minnesota common loons. Environ Toxicol Chem XXXX:XX-XX; DOI: 10.1002/etc.4331. Specifically, we used this code to examine Loon blood Hg concentrations were related with predictions of Hg concentrations in standardized 12-cm whole organism yellow perch (Perca flavescens), based on fish Hg records from lakes throughout Minnesota, using the U.S. Geological Survey National Descriptive Model for Mercury in Fish.
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