Wind energy represents an important alternative to oil and gas extraction to meet increasing energy demands, but it has the potential to disrupt wildlife populations. Because behavioral adjustments, such as altered habitat selection, are a primary way that long-lived species respond to novel disturbances, USGS scientists evaluated effects of wind energy development on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) space use and habitat selection. Using data from GPS-collared female pronghorn in the Shirley Basin of south-central Wyoming, USA, we tested four potential effects of wind turbines on pronghorn space use during the summer and winter: 1) displacement away from wind turbines, 2) increase in size of home ranges, 3) short-term...
This dataset includes a number of datasets collected to assess the potential effects of GPS telemetry collars on free-roaming feral equid species in North America: horses and burros. The behavior dataset (Behavioral_data_collared_uncollared.csv) includes frequency of maintenance behaviors of collared and un-collared horses at Conger Herd Management Area (HMA), and burros at Lake Pleasant and Sinbad Herd Management Areas (HMAs). The dataset also includes data on collar effects to fur and superficial effects observed, showing the count of fur effects (i.e., sweaty neck, indented fur, broken fur) and superficial effects (chafe, wound, or scab) on horses and burros over the time that they wore a collar (Collar_fur_and_superficial_effects_over_time.csv)....
Categories: Data;
Tags: Adobe Town,
Conger Mountain,
Equus, All tags...
Frisco Peak,
Lake Pleasant,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
USGS-EMA-LOW-SB SMC: Wild horses,
Wildlife Biology,
animal behavior,
feral donkey,
feral horse,
wild burro,
wild horse, Fewer tags