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Matthew K Landon

Supervisory Hydrologist

California Water Science Center

Office Phone: 619-225-6109
Fax: 619-225-6101
ORCID: 0000-0002-5766-0494

San Diego State University
4165 Spruance Road
Suite 200
San Diego , CA 92101

Supervisor: Richard G Niswonger
To determine aquifer characteristics, pneumatic slug tests were performed on selected zones and aquifers at a monitoring site near the North and South Belridge oil fields in the Southern San Joaquin Valley in Kern County. On November 19th and 20th, 2018, pneumatic slug tests were performed at five monitoring wells located at the multiple-well groundwater-monitoring site BWSD (28S/21E-08M1 through –M5) near Lost Hills, CA in the Southern San Joaquin Valley. Data were collected using In-Situ LevelTROLL 500 30psig pressure transducers set to record the depth to water level below land surface at one second intervals. Computations were performed using Aqtesolv software and analyzed using the KGS Model package for overdamped...
This digital dataset is comprised of two separate data files that contain total dissolved solids, well construction, and well identifying information for 1,131 petroleum wells used to map salinity in and around 31 southern and central California oil fields. Salinity mapping was done for 27 fields located in the southern San Joaquin Valley of Kern County (North Belridge, South Belridge, Canfield Ranch, North Coles Levee, South Coles Levee, Cymric, Edison, Elk Hills, Fruitvale, Greeley, Jasmin, Kern Bluff, Kern Front, Kern River, Lost Hills, Mount Poso, Mountain View, Poso Creek, Rio Bravo, Rosedale, Rosedale Ranch, Round Mountain, San Emidio Nose, Tejon, Ten Section, Wheeler Ridge, and Yowlumne), 3 fields in the...
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), compiled Fall 2017 fluid level elevation data from idle oil and gas wells in the Oxnard Oil Field to estimate vertical hydraulic head difference between oil production and overlying groundwater aquifer zones. Fluid elevations came from two sources, measurements in idle oil and gas wells and groundwater elevations in water wells in the overlying aquifer estimated at the points of idle well measurements using geographic information system (GIS) procedures. The fluid elevations from idle oil and gas wells were compiled by the California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) as part of their Idle...
This digital data set contains total dissolved solids (either reported or calculated from specific conductance in lieu of reported total dissolved solids data), well construction, and well identifying information for 1,131 petroleum wells and 3,546 water wells used to map salinity in and around 31 southern and central California oil fields. The data set also includes ancillary data in the form of top perforation (petroleum wells), bottom perforation, well depth, or hole depth (water wells), land-surface elevation at the well head, and well location and identifier information. For petroleum wells missing top perforation depth (3 percent), the median top perforation depth for all wells within the field having top...
This release contains borehole geophysical electrical log data (elogs), total dissolved solids sample data (TDS), and geostatistical program files used to estimate the salinity distribution in groundwater above and in the vicinity of the Montebello Oil Field, located near Los Angeles, California, USA. Original data are drawn from a variety of publicly available sources and are combined here for use in geostatistical simulation and estimation. The extent of the estimation area is a 3-mile buffer zone surrounding the Montebello Oil Field administrative boundary, and the subsurface aquifer region lying above locally mapped oil-bearing units. The data compilation and analysis were done as part of the California State...
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