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John Pierce

In May 2014, the GNLCC Steering Committee approved a pilot project to coordinate science-based management across the GNLCC on the connectivity goal. In this second year, we propose to (1) expand the information in the connectivity data atlas developed in year 1 (to refine existing information and incorporate avian connectivity, aquatic connectivity, connectivity for ecosystem processes, and additional landscape stressors, including climate change); (2) conduct regional workshops to refine the connectivity implementation strategy developed in year 1 and explore actions for climate change adaptation; and (3) follow up on actions identified at the April 2015 managers workshop and approved by the GNLCC Steering Committee.
The Western Governors’ Association has sponsored an assessment of crucial habitats which will be used for the evaluation of landscape-scale energy, land use, and transportation projects. At present, this assessment does not incorporate ecological integrity or stream-network connectivity into its assessment of aquatic habitats. This proposal will address in both Oregon and Washington states the need to incorporate ecological integrity and stream network connectivity into the Western Governors’ assessment of aquatic crucial habitats.
What – The Advisory Team is proposing two potential management pilot projects that the GNLCC partners could sponsor collaboratively on issues relevant to our goals, at the scale of the GNLCC, and on issues that enhance the GNLCC enterprise while demonstrating its relevance. Why – We expect these pilot projects to increase GNLCC collaborative capacity, build on GNLCC project-level science investments, deepen multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional cooperation, and demonstrate GNLCC relevance to current and broader socio-political-economic realities. How – The Advisory Team is seeking Steering Committee approval to move forward on this initiative, by: • Supporting the development of two pilot projects that will help...
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