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Michelle I Jeffries


Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

Office Phone: 208-387-1337
ORCID: 0000-0003-1146-1331

Boise - Building 3
230 Collins Road
Boise , ID 83702

Supervisor: David Pilliod
First, we would like to thank the wildland fire advisory group. Their wisdom and guidance helped us build the dataset as it currently exists. This dataset is comprised of two different zip files. Zip File 1: The data within this zip file are composed of two wildland fire datasets. (1) A merged dataset consisting of 40 different wildfire and prescribed fire layers. The original 40 layers were all freely obtained from the internet or provided to the authors free of charge with permission to use them. The merged layers were altered to contain a consistent set of attributes including names, IDs, and dates. This raw merged dataset contains all original polygons many of which are duplicates of the same fire. This dataset...
First, we would like to thank the wildland fire advisory group. Their wisdom and guidance helped us build the dataset as it currently exists. Currently, there are multiple, freely available wildland fire datasets that identify wildfire and prescribed fire areas across the United States. However, these datasets are all limited in some way. Time periods, spatial extents, attributes, and maintenance for these datasets are highly variable, and none of the existing datasets provide a comprehensive picture of wildfires that have burned since the 1800s. Utilizing a series of both manual processes and ArcGIS Python (arcpy) scripts, we merged 40 of these disparate datasets into a single dataset that encompasses the known...
This dataset contains observations used to better understand the initial establishment of sagebrush (Artemisia sp.), in the first 1-2 years post-wildfire. Field data come from 460 sagebrush populations sampled across the Great Basin and many GIS-derived co-variates are included as well.
This feature estimates the geographic extent of the sagebrush biome in the United States. It was created for the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency’s (WAFWA) Sagebrush Conservation Strategy publication as a visual for the schematic figures. This layer does not represent the realized distribution of sagebrush and should not be used to summarize statistics about the distribution or precise location of sagebrush across the landscape. This layer is intended to generalize the sagebrush biome distribution using Landsat derived classified vegetation rasters (Rigge at al. 2019), Bureau of Land Management-designated Habitat Management Areas, state-designated Priority Areas for Conservation for sage-grouse, the...
First, we would like to thank the wildland fire advisory group. Their wisdom and guidance helped us build the dataset as it currently exists. Currently, there are multiple, freely available fire datasets that identify wildfire and prescribed fire burned areas across the United States. However, these datasets are all limited in some way. Their time periods could cover only a couple of decades or they may have stopped collecting data many years ago. Their spatial footprints may be limited to a specific geographic area or agency. Their attribute data may be limited to nothing more than a polygon and a year. None of the existing datasets provides a comprehensive picture of fires that have burned throughout the last...
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