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Whittney Spivey

Physical Science Technician

Florence Bascom Geoscience Center

Office Phone: 703-648-6788
Fax: 703-648-6953

John W Powell FB
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston , VA 20192-0002

Supervisor: Harry J Dowsett
Data consist of grain-size distribution by weight in grams of samples collected from the lectostratotype of the Yorktown Formation at Rushmere, Virginia, and from Pipsico Boy Scout Camp, Spring Grove, Virginia. In total, data from 45 samples is included.
Data consist of census counts of Pliocene benthic foraminifera from the lectostratotype of the Yorktown Formation at Rushmere, Viriginia, and from Pipsico Boy Scout Camp, Spring Grove, Virginia. In total, counts of individuals from 45 samples and 67 species are included. Counts for planktic foraminifera, foraminiferal fragments, and poorly persevered specimens are also included in the data.
Data consist of census counts of Pliocene planktonic foraminifera from the lectostratotype of the Yorktown Formation at Rushmere Virginia, Rice's Pit, Yorktown, and the type section of the Morgarts Beach Member at Morgarts Beach, Virginia. In total, counts of individuals from 12 samples and 25 species are included.
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