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Paul R Marban

While nest attentiveness plays a critical role in the reproductive success of avian species, little is known regarding the nest attentiveness patterns of many species during incubation. However, improvements in both video monitoring and temperature logging devices present an opportunity to improve our understanding of this aspect of avian behavior. To evaluate the ability of these technologies to document fine scale behaviors during incubation we monitored 13 nests across two Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) breeding colonies with a paired video camera - temperature logger approach, while monitoring 63 additional nests with temperature loggers alone. We also monitored nests and recorded hatching success, allowing us...
This dataset is comprised of six files related to waterbird surveys and resulting Index of Waterbird Community Integrity (IWCI) scores in 21 subestuaries of the Chesapeake Bay from 2010-2014. Two .csv files (1 data file: Prosser et al 2017_IWCI Results MS_Bird Survey Raw Data.csv, 1 definitions file: Prosser et al 2017_IWCI Results MS_Bird Survey Raw Data_Definitions.csv) contain data related to raw waterbird survey data from two seasons (summer and fall). Two .csv files (1 data file: Prosser et al 2017_IWCI Results MS_Species List.csv, 1 definitions file: Prosser et al 2017_IWCI Results MS_Species List_Definitions.csv) contain data related to 60+ Chesapeake waterbird species observed in surveys and their species...
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