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Rosemary M Fanelli


Office Phone: 919-571-4036
Fax: 919-571-4041
ORCID: 0000-0002-0874-1925
The file "Chloride_specific_conductance_regression_model_forms_for_estimating_high-frequency_chloride_concentrations.csv" contains the regression equation forms for two types of regressions: 1) single linear (SLR) and 2) piecewise (or segmented; SEG) regression between specific conductance (SC) and chloride (Cl) concentrations for 56 USGS water-quality monitoring stations across the eastern United States, plus four regional regressions developed by pooling data for sites within a region (see Moore and others (in review) for more information). Some sites, and all regions, have both SLR and SEG models reported in this table. The analysis included in the Moore and others (in review) study used results from the SLR...
This data release contains summary metrics describing stream stage, stream water temperature, and short-term climate conditions (daily precipitation and air temperature) for 30 streams spanning gradients of forest and row-crop land uses and agricultural best management practice implementation in the Delmarva Peninsula of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, USA. This setting is the second of four settings, or "typologies," that will be assessed for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Chesapeake Stream Team project. High-frequency stage, water temperature, and air temperature (approximately 15-minute data) were measured by the USGS from March 2022 to September 2022 and are available at McFarland and others (2024). Additional...
This data release contains relevant datasets used in the analysis for the Chesapeake Bay stressor identification project, for which results are described in Fanelli and others (2022). For this project, two existing information sources were compiled and summarized to identify key in-stream stressors reported by the scientific literature or through regulatory assessments to be likely affecting benthic macroinvertebrate community metrics in the Chesapeake Bay region: 1) the peer reviewed multi-stressor literature, in which the effects multiple in-stream stressors on benthic macroinvertebrate community metrics are simultaneously assessed; and 2) reported causes of biological impairment as listed by state or district...
Freshwater salinization is an emerging issue for freshwater environments in the Chesapeake Bay, USA region. Salinization is often described by measurements of specific conductance (SC). This data release contains specific conductance observations collected by multiple regional agencies for streams within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. This inventory compiles and harmonizes data from the Water Quality Portal (WQP), which is a data repository developed by the National Water Quality Monitoring Council and supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Geological Survey, and the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (NWIS). Both discrete measures of SC, which are single measures taken...
This data set includes estimated chloride concentrations for the 93 USGS water quality monitoring stations located across the eastern United States. Chloride concentrations were predicted using regression equations that established the relationship between simultaneous measurements of chloride and specific conductance (SC). Site-specific models were developed and applied when data were available, and regional regression models were used where there were insufficient data available to establish a site-specific regression model. These models were applied to high-frequency SC data sets to produce high-frequency predicted chloride concentrations at 2-minute to 1-hour intervals, depending on the frequency at which SC...
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