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Francis K Rengers


Geologic Hazards Science Center

Office Phone: 303-273-8637
Fax: 303-273-8452
ORCID: 0000-0002-1825-0943

1711 Illinois St
P.O. Box 25046
Mail stop 966
Denver , CO 80225-0046

Supervisor: Jason W Kean
Lidar data was collected on 24 and 25 May 2017 at the USGS debris-flow flume to monitor two gate-release debris flow experiments. A static prism of sediment was emplaced behind a gate at the top of the flume. Water was added via sprinklers to the surface and also via pipes to the subsurface, in order to saturate the sediment mass. The sediment mass moved down the flume as a debris flow when the gate was opened. Lidar data were collected from a Riegl VZ-400 terrestrial laser scanner to capture the mass failure. The laser scanner was modified, so that rather than scanning in a 360 degree motion, as it is designed, it only scanned a narrow swath (approximately 1 mm) along the full profile of the constructed sediment...
This data release includes 2016-2019 soil moisture timeseries for two drainage basins (“Arroyo Seco” and “Dunsmore Canyon”) that burned during the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County, California, USA. The Arroyo Seco (0.01 km2) and Dunsmore Canyon (0.5 km2) drainages include two soil pits, one located near the drainage divide and another near the basin outlet. Following the naming convention established by Smith et al. (2019), we refer to the soil pits near the Arroyo Seco drainage divide and basin outlet as “AS1” and “AS3,” respectively. Similarly, we refer to the soil pits near the Dunsmore Canyon drainage divide and basin outlet as “DC1” and “DC3,” respectively. The coordinates of AS1 and AS3 are, respectively,...
The data presented in this data release represent observations of postfire debris flows that have been collected from publicly available datasets. Data originate from 13 different countries: the United States, Australia, China, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, South Korea, and Japan. The data are located in the file called “PFDF_database_sortedbyReference.txt” and a description of each column header can be found in both the file “column_headers.txt” and the metadata file (“Post-fire Debris-Flow Database (Literature Derived).xml”). The observations are derived from areas that have been burned by wildfire and are global in nature. However, this dataset is synthesized...
This data release includes time-series data from a monitoring site located in a small (0.12 km2) drainage basin in the Las Lomas watershed in Los Angeles County, CA, USA. The site was established after the 2016 Fish Fire and recorded a series debris flows in the first winter after the fire. The station is located along the channel at the outlet of the study area (34 9’18.50”N, 117 56’41.33”W, WGS84). The data were collected between November 15, 2016 and February 23, 2017. The data include two types of time series: (1) continuous 1-minute time series of rainfall and flow stage recorded by a laser distance meter suspended over the channel (LasLomasContinuous.csv), and (2) 50-Hz time series of flow stage and flow-induced...
This data release includes time-series data from two monitoring stations in drainage basins burned in the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California. Both stations are located near the upper boundary of their respective watershed and were installed to study the effects of vegetation recovery on hillslope hydrology and debris-flow occurrence. The coordinates of the Arroyo Seco site are 34°14'13.10"N, 118°11'44.72"W. The coordinates for the Dunsmore Canyon hillslope site are 34°15'54.27"N, 118°14'14.41"W. The data include 1-minute time series of rainfall, soil water content, soil temperature, and soil matric potential recorded at two locations at both stations: AS1, AS2, DC1, DC2. The two locations at each...
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