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Rachel A Harrington

This data release includes sampling location data, field-collected wetland attribute data, field-collected water chemistry data, laboratory-processed water chemistry data (anions, cations, alkalinity, nutrients, chlorophyll a concentrations, dissolved organic carbon, and specific ultraviolet absorbance, pesticide concentrations), dry mass of adult aquatic insects emerging from the surface of the wetlands, taxonomic classifications of the insects collected, and whole-body pesticide concentrations for adult aquatic insects emerging from wadeable wetlands in cropland and grassland landscapes across a salinity/hydrology gradient (N = 14 wetlands in 2015, N = 15 wetlands in 2016). Sampling was completed in late spring,...
Mercury is an atmospherically transported contaminant found even in relatively pristine habitats. Once accumulated at the base of the food web, mercury can move between animals that are linked trophically. Pond-breeding amphibians may be particularly important vectors of mercury flux from remote freshwater to terrestrial systems because they feed on algae and detritus as tadpoles and metamorphose into insectivorous terrestrial adults where they carry out most of their remaining life cycle. However, it is still unclear how mercury concentrations change across life stages in complex life cycle amphibian species. The data presented here includes total mercury (THg), methylmercury (MeHg), and isotopic composition (δ13C,...
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