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Lisa Gaines

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing natural resource management. The disruptions it is causing require that we change how we consider and implement conservation and resource management in order to ensure the future of habitats, species, and human communities, whether that means adopting new management actions or adjusting the ways in which existing actions are implemented. However, practitioners often struggle with how to identify and prioritize specific climate adaptation actions, which are taken to either increase/enhance resilience or decrease vulnerability in a changing climate. Management actions may have a higher probability of being successful if they are informed by available scientific...
EcoAdapt staff located and compiled relevant gray literature from Northwest national forests (e.g., forest management plans, fire management plans and policies, climate change strategy documents) written between 1986-2015, and categorized the ways in which fire-related climate adaptation actions appear in these documents. A coding system was created to review and catalog how climate adaptation actions appear in each document. Each document was reviewed and scored based on a 0-2 scale with 0 indicating no presence of climate adaptation action(s) within the document, 1 indicating presence of climate adaptation action(s) within the document, and 2 indicating climate adaptation action(s) are the focus/priority of the...
The goal of the Available Science Assessment Project (ASAP) is to synthesize and evaluate the body of scientific knowledge on specific, on-the-ground CAAs to determine the conditions, timeframes, and geographic areas where particular CAAs may be most effective for resource managers. We have derived a methodology that utilizes interviews, a systematic review process, and extensive engagement with natural resource managers and scientists throughout the Northwest Climate Science Center (NW CSC) region. For a test case, we will evaluate the science behind specific fire management actions in national forests in the region.
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