Research Ecologist
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USGS scientists evaluated the utility of hidden Markov movement models to characterize seasonal movements of mule deer (Odecoileus hemionus) and pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) that were tracked with GPS collars in Wyoming, USA, during 2014-2021. Data include step lengths and turning angles for individual animals at daily time-steps throughout the tracking period. Models demonstrated distinct seasonal movements between species indicative of migratory behavior and enable analyses to identify influential factors that affect decisions to migrate by animals.
Remotely sensed elk locations were derived from satellite and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) imagery collected during the winter of 2018 and the winter and spring of 2019 at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming and compared to locations from Global Positioning System (GPS) collars from 2017 - 2019. This data release provides the source, date, time, latitude, and longitude of elk locations and the type of analyses the location data were used for in the accompanying manuscript by Graves and others 2021. DOI will be provided once supplied by the journal.
Vegetation phenology and productivity play a crucial role in surface energy balance, plant and animal distribution, and animal movement and habitat use and can be measured with remote sensing metrics including start of season (SOS), peak instantaneous rate of green-up date (PIRGd), peak of season (POS), end of season (EOS), and integrated vegetation indices. However, for most metrics, we do not yet understand the agreement of remotely sensed data products with near-surface observations. We also need summaries of changes over time, spatial distribution, variability, and consistency in remote sensing dataset metrics for vegetation timing and quality. We compare metrics from 10 leading remote sensing datasets against...
USGS and NPS biologists used distance sampling to estimate abundance of hoary marmots (Marmota caligata) in North Cascades National Park, Washington, USA during 2007-2008 and 2016-2017. Biologists resurveyed hoary marmots in 2016 and 2017 at 78 point-count stations across 19 sites surveyed by NPS in 2007-2008. Data include marmot detection distances and survey conditions used to estimate abundances at each site in each year. Data also include estimated marmot abundances and covariates used to evaluate effects of weather, snowpack, and vegetative phenology and productivity on marmot abundances. Marmots are classified as adult, subadult, or juvenile for observations in which age was evident.
Categories: Data;
Tags: Ecology,
North Cascades National Park,
USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC),
Wildlife Biology, All tags...
atmospheric and climatic processes,
snow and ice cover, Fewer tags
Wind energy represents an important alternative to oil and gas extraction to meet increasing energy demands, but it has the potential to disrupt wildlife populations. Because behavioral adjustments, such as altered habitat selection, are a primary way that long-lived species respond to novel disturbances, USGS scientists evaluated effects of wind energy development on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) space use and habitat selection. Using data from GPS-collared female pronghorn in the Shirley Basin of south-central Wyoming, USA, we tested four potential effects of wind turbines on pronghorn space use during the summer and winter: 1) displacement away from wind turbines, 2) increase in size of home ranges, 3) short-term...
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