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Amy M Russell

Supervisory Hydrologist

Central Midwest Water Science Center

Office Phone: 217-328-9773
ORCID: 0000-0003-0582-0094

University of Illinois
405 N. Goodwin Avenue
Urbana , IL 61801

Supervisor: Kelly L Warner
As part of the Lake Michigan Diversion Accounting (LMDA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District (USACE-Chicago) uses Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) models to estimate runoff from the ungaged portion of the diverted Lake Michigan watershed. Simulation accuracy is evaluated at nine gaged watersheds in or adjacent to the diverted watershed. This data release consists of an Excel file containing 18 Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) attributes summarized using various aggregation methods for gaged and ungaged areas in the LMDA system. The gaged areas are comprised of the nine gaged watersheds used for HSPF model calibration and three gaged upstream basins. The ungaged areas are...
This data release contains daily time series estimates of natural streamflow at 5,439 GAGES-II non-reference streamgages in 19 study regions across the conterminous United States from October 1, 1980 through September 30, 2017, using five statistical techniques: nearest-neighbor drainage area ratio (NNDAR), map-correlation drainage area ratio (MCDAR), nearest-neighbor nonlinear spatial interpolation using flow duration curves (NNQPPQ), map-correlation nonlinear spatial interpolation using flow duration curves (MCQPPQ), and ordinary kriging of the logarithms of discharge per unit area (OKDAR). NNDAR, MCDAR, NNQPPQ, and MCQPPQ estimates were computed following methods described in Farmer and others (2014), with...
A list of stream gages within the conterminous United States that will serve as the initial list of sites (version 1.0) used for streamflow benchmarking of hydrologic models. Sites within this list were chosen based on their presence in the GAGES-II dataset, their availability of modeled streamflow data from the most recent version of the National Hydrologic Model application of Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System v1.0, and their availability of modeled streamflow data from the most recent version of the NOAA National Water Model application of WRF-hydro version 2.1 retrospective dataset.
This data release contains daily time series estimates of natural streamflow for 1,385 streamgages in 19 study regions in the conterminous U.S. from October 1, 1980, through September 30, 2017. These estimates are provided for gages from mostly undisturbed watersheds as defined by Falcone (2011), using five statistical techniques: nearest-neighbor drainage area ratio (NNDAR), map-correlation drainage area ratio (MCDAR), nearest-neighbor nonlinear spatial interpolation using flow duration curves (NNQPPQ), map-correlation nonlinear spatial interpolation using flow duration curves (MCQPPQ), and ordinary kriging of the logarithms of discharge per unit area (OKDAR). Location information and basin characteristics for...
This data release contains daily time series estimates of natural streamflow at the outlets of more than 80,000 12-digit hydrologic units in 19 study regions across the conterminous U.S. from October 1, 1980 through September 30, 2017, using three statistical techniques: Nearest-Neighbor Drainage Area Ratio (NNDAR), Map-Correlation Drainage Area Ratio (MCDAR), and Ordinary Kriging of the logarithms of discharge per unit area (OKDAR). Location information and drainage areas for index gages were obtained from the "Reference" gages of the GAGES-II dataset (Falcone, 2011,; location information and drainage areas for the HUC12 outlets were derived from attributes...
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