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William L Yeck

Research Geophysicist

Office Phone: 303-273-8648
Fax: 303-273-8452
ORCID: 0000-0002-2801-8873

P.O. Box 25046
Denver , CO 80225-0046
The database contains uniformly processed ground motion intensity measurements (peak horizontal ground motions and 5-percent-damped pseudospectral accelerations for oscillator periods 0.1–10 s). The earthquake event set includes more than 3,800 M≥3 earthquakes in Oklahoma and Kansas from January 2009 to December 2016. Ground motion time series were collected out to 500 km. We also relocated the majority of the earthquake hypocenters using a multiple-event relocation algorithm to produce a set of near-uniformly processed hypocentral locations. Details about data processing are reported in the accompanying article. First posted - October 11, 2017 Revised - December 18, 2017, ver. 1.1
The Fairview cluster is based on a sequence of small earthquakes near Fairview, Oklahoma, U.S.A., that began in 2014. After magnitude 5.1 and 5.2 events in early 2016 a temporary network was installed, which recorded continuing seismicity through the rest of 2016 and enabled very precise calibration of the cluster. Number of events: 55 Calibration type: direct calibration using data to 0.5 degrees; hypocentroid calibration level = 0.3 km Epicentral calibration range: 0 - 1 km Date range: 20140902 - 20170115 Latitude range: 36.247 - 36.547 Longitude range: -99.033 - -98.059 Depth range: 5.0 - 12.1 Magnitude range: 2.5 - 5.1
This ScienceBase entry contains three seismic catalogs supporting and described by the manuscript - Koper, K. D., Pankow, K. L., Pechmann, J. C., Hale, J. M., Burlacu, R., Yeck, W. L., et al (2018). Afterslip Enhanced Aftershock Activity During the 2017 Earthquake Sequence Near Sulphur Peak, Idaho. Geophysical Research Letters, 45. These are included in three separate catalog files: the University of Utah Seismograph Stations (UUSS) absolute locations, the MLOC relocations, and the GrowClust relocations. The absolute USGS locations are available from the USGS ComCat (
These data were used to train the Machine Learning models supporting the USGS software release "NEIC Machine Learning Applications Software" (, and its companion publication in Seismological Research Letters "Leveraging Deep Learning in Global 24/7 Real-Time Earthquake Monitoring at the National Earthquake Information Center" ( These data are formatted as python numpy arrays and readable by the python code used to generate deep-learning models that classify waveform phases, refine automatic pick timings, and estimate source distances. The cataloged picks and associated metadata were obtained from the USGS PDE catalog (
The dataset contains the catalog of 5446 events and arrival times resulting from subspace detection processing and relocation in the for the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma, aftershock sequence. Lines beginning with "E" contain event information in the following order: event ID, origin year, origin month, origin day, origin hour, origin minute, origin second, latitude, longitude, depth, and magnitude. Lines beginning with "P" contain phase information in the following order: event ID, network, station, phase, phase arrival year, phase arrival month, phase arrival day, phase arrival hour, phase arrival minute, phase arrival second.
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