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Ben N Mcgee

Physical Scientist

Office Phone: 303-236-1403
ORCID: 0000-0001-8798-0037

Box 25046
Denver Federal Center
Denver , CO 80225-0046
This data release includes sampling location data; field-collected stream attribute data; laboratory-analyzed chemistry concentrations (total mercury, methyl mercury) and isotopic composition (total mercury, carbon, and nitrogen) for stream biota (seston, periphyton, benthic insects, emerging adult insects, riparian spiders, and fish); density, body length, and taxonomic information for benthic insects; and density, biomass, and taxonomic information for emerging adult aquatic insects for biota sampled from stream reaches up and downstream of an historical mercury mine site. Sampling took place during summer low-flow conditions in 2015 and 2016. Stream reaches were located on USFS land near the Cinnabar Mine Site...
This data release includes GIS datasets supporting the Colorado Legacy Mine Lands Watershed Delineation and Scoring tool (WaDeS), a web mapping application available at Water chemistry data were compiled from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) STORET database, and the USGS Central Colorado Assessment Project (CCAP) (Church and others, 2009). The CCAP study area was used for this application. Samples were summarized at each monitoring station and hardness-dependent chronic and acute toxicity thresholds for aquatic life protections under Colorado Regulation No. 31 (CDPHE, 5 CCR 1002-31) for...
This USGS data release evaluates the impact of historical mining sites on water quality using samples collected in late July 2021 from Big Creek tributaries Coin Creek, Smith Creek, and Monumental Creek in Valley County, Idaho. These data were collected to support a fisheries mining impact assessment in the Middle Fork Salmon River. Specific conductance, pH, and stream temperature were measured in the field. Analyses include major cations and anions, alkalinity, trace metals, total mercury, and methylmercury.
This data release is a geochemical data set from the reanalysis of 23 rock and 85 sediment samples collected between 1966 and 1970 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for a series of studies investigating the mineral resources of the Idaho Primitive Area (Cater et al., 1973). The samples are from the upper Middle Fork Salmon River and the South Fork Salmon River, including the tributaries of East Fork of the South Fork and Porphyry Creek. The overall objective of this study is to characterize the regional impact of legacy mining for the Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness Area. In 1980 the U. S. Congress passed the Central Idaho Wilderness Act which combined the Idaho Primitive Area, the Salmon Rivers...
Categories: Data; Types: Downloadable, Map Service, OGC WFS Layer, OGC WMS Layer, Shapefile; Tags: Automatic Creek, Beansnapper Creek, Bear Creek, Big Chief Creek, Big Cottonwood Creek, All tags...
This dataset was collected to build on past and ongoing monitoring and research efforts within Colorado’s Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). Specifically, the data were collected to test the hypothesis that reductions in canopy cover due to natural disturbances (i.e. wildfire and beetle kill) result in increases in water temperature, or the longitudinal thermal gradient of a stream. Data values include stream temperature paired with light intensity data, and air temperature data to determine the influence of riparian canopy condition and longitudinal warming across a 1 km reach. Two control streams were selected: Ouzel Creek, which has virtually no riparian canopy due to a previous wildfire; and Hunters Creek,...
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