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Robert L Michel

Stable and radioactive isotopes such as oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur have proved to be extremely useful tracers of hydrologic pathways, biogeochemical processes, and residence times of waters and solutes. However, use of these isotopes as tracers is presently hampered by our limited understanding of the physical processes and chemical reactions influencing isotopic compositions. The unsaturated zone, particularly the soil zone and the top of the water table, is probably the portion of the hydrologic system most responsible for alteration of the isotopic compositions of potential isotope tracers, this environmental component is also one of the least studied. The overall goal of this project is to...
Categories: Project; Tags: Isotopic Tracers, Radioisotopes
These data comprise air, plant (creosote bush, Larrea tridentata), and unsaturated-zone tritium measurements and plant metrics collected during 2012 to 2016 from three sampling areas at the Amargosa Desert Research Site (ADRS) near Beatty, Nevada: (1) within a low-level radioactive waste facility, (2) buffer area adjacent to the waste facility, and (3) reference area 3 kilometers from the waste facility. Plant metrics include foliage-water content and canopy and stem dimensions. Supporting information includes a list of publications that provide descriptions of methods used to collect the data and results of previous tritium research at the ADRS. All data and supporting information are compiled in an electronic...
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