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Benjamin B Mirus

Research Geologist

Office Phone: 303-273-8613
Fax: 303-273-8452
ORCID: 0000-0001-5550-014X

P.O. Box 25046
Denver , CO 80225-0046
This data release includes 2016-2019 soil moisture timeseries for two drainage basins (“Arroyo Seco” and “Dunsmore Canyon”) that burned during the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County, California, USA. The Arroyo Seco (0.01 km2) and Dunsmore Canyon (0.5 km2) drainages include two soil pits, one located near the drainage divide and another near the basin outlet. Following the naming convention established by Smith et al. (2019), we refer to the soil pits near the Arroyo Seco drainage divide and basin outlet as “AS1” and “AS3,” respectively. Similarly, we refer to the soil pits near the Dunsmore Canyon drainage divide and basin outlet as “DC1” and “DC3,” respectively. The coordinates of AS1 and AS3 are, respectively,...
Landslides are damaging and deadly, and they occur in every U.S. state. However, our current ability to understand landslide hazards at the national scale is limited, in part because spatial data on landslide occurrence across the U.S. varies greatly in quality, accessibility, and extent. Landslide inventories are typically collected and maintained by different agencies and institutions, usually within specific jurisdictional boundaries, and often with varied objectives and information attributes or even in disparate formats. The purpose of this data release is to provide an openly accessible, centralized map of existing information on landslide occurrence across the entire U.S. The data release includes digital...
A time-lapse camera was used to document periodic reactivation of a complex landslide on a steep coastal bluff in Mukilteo, Washington. This landslide is one of four monitoring sites initiated by the U.S Geological Survey to investigate hill-slope hydrology and landslide hazards affecting the railway corridor along the eastern shore of Puget Sound between the cities of Seattle and Everett (Mirus et al., 2016; Smith et al. 2017). The camera was installed in the crown of the landslide above the main scarp facing roughly North, with a field of view that includes the head of the landslide body and a minor scarp below. The attached file ‘CameraLocation.PNG’ provides an overview figure of the landslide and the camera’s...
A hydrologic monitoring network was installed to investigate landslide hazards affecting the railway corridor along the eastern shore of Puget Sound between Seattle and Everett, near Mukilteo, Washington. During the summer of 2015, the U.S. Geological Survey installed instrumentation at four sites to measure rainfall and air temperature every 15 minutes. Two of the four sites are installed on contrasting coastal bluffs, one landslide scarred and one vegetated. At these two sites, in addition to rainfall and air temperature, volumetric water content, pore pressure, soil suction, soil temperature (via hydrologic instrumentation), and barometric pressure were measured every 15 minutes. The instrumentation was designed...
Landslide susceptibility maps are essential tools in infrastructure planning, hazard mitigation, and risk reduction. Susceptibility maps trained in one area have been found to be unreliable when applied to different areas (Woodard et al., 2023). This limitation leads to the need for a national map that is higher resolution and rigorous, but simple enough to be applied to diverse terrains and landslide types. The susceptibility maps presented here cover the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), and Puerto Rico (PR) with a resolution of 90-m. Other United States (U.S.) territories were not considered due to insufficient landslide and digital elevation data. We also provide information on the...
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