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Clinton Moore

Abstract (from Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management): The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is responsible for reviewing the biological status of hundreds of species to determine federal status designations under the Endangered Species Act. The longleaf pine Pinus palustris ecological system supports many priority at-risk species designated for review, including five species of herpetofauna: gopher tortoise Gopherus polyphemus, southern hognose snake Heterodon simus, Florida pine snake Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus, gopher frog Lithobates (Rana) capito, and striped newt Notophthalmus perstriatus. To inform status decisions and conservation planning, we developed habitat suitability models to 1) identify...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
Funding for this study was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (Cooperative Agreement nos. G12AC20329, G15AC00264) and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (Grant nos. 2009094, 20100899). This study examines drivers of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) population dynamics in South Carolina. Study objectives are to (1) estimate demographic parameters and abundance from marked alligators and nightlight surveys in an integrated population modeling framework, (2) optimize nightlight survey monitoring design to maximize abundance estimate accuracy and precision and minimize costs, (3) identify an optimal harvest strategy to maintain population stability and limit changes to size class...
This dataset comprises whole blood mercury concentrations, sex, predicted age, snout-vent length, and body mass index in American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) captured at Yawkey Wildlife Center, South Carolina, from 2010 to 2017. A companion dataset for the Florida population located at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (Nilsen et al. 2019) can be found on the Mendeley repository at Funding for this study was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (Cooperative Agreement nos. G12AC20329, G15AC00264) and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (Grant nos. 2009094, 20100899). Alligators are an effective sentinel species for Hg biomonitoring...
This webinar gives an introduction to the Southeast CSC funded project "Providing Science for the Conservation of Animals in the Southeastern Longleaf Pine Ecosystem". The project is a collaborative effort of state and federal agencies, regional entities, and private interest groups working across the southeastern US. The project is designed to conduct range-wide species status assessments for 5 at-risk species of herpetofauna and inform where and how to invest conservation resources in the longleaf system. Project leaders (USGS Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Georgia) and core partners (state and federal agencies) met for this introductory webinar where we 1) presented the project's...
This presentation provides an update of the project The presentation includes information on: Overview of research effort – Clint Moore Gopher tortoise distribution modeling – Rachel Bormann Refinement and testing of habitat models – Jeff Hepinstall-Cymerman Long-term movement and survival: field results – Alex Wright Research into population estimation and demography – Bryan Nuse Optimal selection of parcels in reserve design – Clint Moore Wrap-up – Clint Moore
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