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Human factors that influence water availability in the Basin were discovered by reviewing hundreds of published literature items and articles from the literature following an extensive keyword search. The different factors were drawn from reviewing the literature, and datasets to support the factor were researched across open data catalogs and the world wide web. Data related to the Human Factors project water availability sectors of agriculture, industrial, municipal, and those related to ecosystem services, tourism, or other uses can be found here.
For the purposes of the Human Factors of Water Availability project the agricultural sector includes the USGS Water Use Program categories of Irrigation, Livestock, and Aquaculture. Data useful for better understanding water demand in the agricultural sector is provided here including Irrigation districts and irrigated land in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Irrigation price of water data is provided for Mesa County, a key agricultural county in the state of Colorado within the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB), as an example of data that impacts demand and supply of water in the agricultural sector. Crop land cover data was retrieved from the CropScape online data application, the R script used to process data...
These datasets provide information about the study area such as climate and geography, as well as interbasin transfers, and estimates of water use trends in the Colorado River Basin 1985–2010 (
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Tags: colorado river water provider,
upper colorado river basin,
upper colorado river basin federal lands and bia lands,
upper colorado river basin federal lands native american reservations,
upper colorado river basin interbasin transfers huc4, All tags...
upper colorado river basin precipitation temperature,
upper colorado river basin water transfers interbasin,
upper colorado river basin water use pie charts 2015, Fewer tags
For the purposes of the Human Factors of Water Availability project the industrial sector includes the USGS Water Use Program categories of Industiral, Mining, and Thermoelectric. Data related to dams, hydroelectric and thermoelectric power generation within the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) are provided here.
This data release contains records from research focused on understanding social vulnerability to water insecurity, resiliency demonstrated by institutions, and conflict or crisis around water resource management. This data release focuses on social vulnerability to water insecurity. The data were derived from a meta-analysis of studies in the empirical literature which measured factors of social vulnerability associated with conditions of water insecurity. In the water security context this data and associated study identify the indicators used to measure social vulnerability, the frequency at which indicators are used, and the uncertainty associated with measurements based on those indictors. Assessed studies...
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