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Maura O Roberts

Pebble counts were performed to assess the bed surface grain size distribution at different habitats within a reach of the Big River near Washington State Park, Missouri. These data were collected in support of research assessing the hydraulic conditions of freshwater mussel habitat in the Big River. One component of this investigation was to examine the theoretical stability and instability of sediment particle sizes that are present within mussel habitats as well as within nearby reference habitats. These pebble counts furnished grain size data used for reference sediment stability predictions. Pebble counts were performed at seven different habitats in a study reach on the Big River following the methods of Wolman...
This data release contains river bed surface grain size measurements, water-surface elevation measurements, and digital elevation models (DEMs) for select reaches of the Big River, Missouri. These data were collected in support of research assessing the hydraulic conditions of freshwater mussel habitat in the Big River. The individual metadata associated with each data type describe the process steps, data inputs and sources, and the locations where the data were collected.
Pebble counts were performed to assess the bed surface grain size distribution at five delineated mussel habitats in the Big River, Missouri. These data were collected in support of research assessing the mussel communities and characteristics of freshwater mussel habitats in the Big River (Albers and others, 2016; Roberts and others, 2016). Pebble counts were performed at the mussel habitats following the methods of Wolman (1954). Grain diameters of 99-100 particles were measured on the intermediate axis. The pebble count data are semi-continuous; grains smaller than 2 mm were classified as sand, and grains larger than 64 mm were classified as either cobble (65-256 mm) or boulder (greater than 256 mm) but measured...
Water-surface elevation measurements were performed for a range of flow events up to bankfull discharge within four reaches of the Big River, Missouri. The study reaches are Site W (STW), Rockford Beach (RFB), Phelps Bend (PHB), and Washington State Park (WSP). The water-surface elevation measurements were collected to provide hydraulic model calibration data in support of research assessing the hydraulic conditions of freshwater mussel habitat in the Big River. Data were collected either manually or by boat in the study reaches using a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver. Calibration data also included water-surface elevation data from bathymetry and terrestrial lidar surveys. Models were calibrated...
This dataset contains digital elevation models (DEMs) for four reaches of the Big River in Missouri. The study reaches are as follows: Site W (STW), Rockford Beach (RFB), Phelps Bend (PHB), and Washington State Park (WSP). The reach DEMs were created in support of research assessing the hydraulic conditions of freshwater mussel habitat in the Big River. Channel and bank elevations were generated from data collected by USGS staff from the Columbia Environmental Research Center between February 2019 and January 2020 using single-beam echosounder surveys, manual Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) topographic surveys, and terrestrial light detection and ranging (lidar) surveys. Elevations for areas beyond the...
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