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Paul Armsworth

The purpose of this working group is to evaluate how researchers can best support further integration of climate change considerations into the 2025 revisions of State Wildlife Action Plans.
States in the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (SEAFWA) region have faced challenges when trying to develop regional plans or actions for many conservation issues. Leadership in many SEAFWA states is hesitant to approach the topic of climate change at all, let alone engage in multi-state efforts to mitigate climate impacts. Recent Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (SE CASC) supported research surveyed agency directors and supervisory boards, and discovered their primary concerns revolved around agency budgets, “R3” efforts (i.e., to recruit, retain, and reactivate hunters and anglers), and public outreach to maintain social relevance. Another project supported by the SE CASC and the...
Abstract Research that can improve the resilience of social and natural systems to climate change has become more common. Many climate adaptation science organizations and agencies now focus on actionable science, a model that aims to have greater impacts on policy and practice than traditionally produced and distributed science. However, evaluations of research projects are needed to examine and verify the impact of climate science on adaptation and society. Better understanding the types and mechanisms of impact will allow organizations to design, fund, and facilitate more useful climate adaptation science. Many existing actionable science evaluation approaches are qualitative in nature and take considerable...
Categories: Publication; Types: Citation
The Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center (SE CASC) promotes collaborative research, with a focus on training next-generation scientists through active engagement with stakeholders and agencies, to enhance landscape-level conservation and management of natural and cultural resources. The SE CASC is hosted by North Carolina State University (NCSU) with consortium partners Duke University, Auburn University, University of Florida, University of Tennessee, and University of South Carolina. University host NCSU connects the SE CASC to top scientists and stakeholders across the region to address the complexities of land management and conservation during rapid climate change, population growth, and urbanization....
Consortium Principal Investigators lead Working Groups on a variety of global change topics that draw on their scientific strengths and interests. The Working Groups bring together multi-disciplinary teams of academics, USGS staff, Tribal Nations, representatives from state agencies, other stakeholders, and students to address regionally-relevant emerging issues and to develop syntheses of topics to inform science needs and improve co-production. To learn more about the working groups, visit:
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