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Corbin D Hilling

Office Phone: 419-625-1976
ORCID: 0000-0003-4040-9516

380 Huron St
Huron , OH 44839
The data includes dates, places, and times of sampling events for eggs of invasive Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in tributaries to the Great Lakes in 2021 and 2022. Reference data on locations and dates sampled, gears used, and effort are included. Developmental stages for a subset of undamaged, fertilized eggs are provided. Tables include common fields to allow for integration into a relational database to aid data extraction and associating data among tables. First posted: September 2023 Revised: November 2023 (version 1.1)
These data contain counts of fish species collected with a 1.83 m x 9.14 m bag seine constructed of 1.6 mm Delta nylon mesh. When permitted, five consecutive 15.25 m hauls were made parallel to the shoreline. Sites with smaller shorelines were sampled to the greatest extent possible and distance recorded. The seine was pulled in the upstream direction to allow the net to stay open during sampling. Following each haul, fish were sorted by species and counted. Macrophyte community characteristics (percent cover and species) were assessed by visually approximating the proportion of sites occupied by each species. A rake was used to collect vegetation for lab verification of species identification. Other habitat features...
These data include egg diameter estimates from Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) eggs collected during bongo net sampling in the Huron River (Ohio; 41.3305, -82.5812) on May 23, 2022 near Milan, Ohio. Egg diameters were estimated from photographs using proportional relationships of pixel lengths with a known length scale bar in millimeters. Given that eggs were not perfectly spherical, egg diameters were measured across two perpendicular axes and an average was calculated to represent an estimate of egg diameter (mm).
These data include goals, objectives, and performance measures from management plans and monitoring surveys related to fisheries management in the St. Clair-Detroit River System and the Western Basin of Lake Erie. Researchers extracted these data from existing management plans identified from on-line grey literature searches and discussions with collaborators and regional fisheries management personnel
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