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Brandon J Sansom

Research Hydrologist/Research Civil Engineer

Office Phone: 573-441-2978
ORCID: 0000-0001-7999-9547
This dataset includes the one-dimensional HEC-RAS water quality model simulation input and output files for three simulation discharges at the Wallens Bend reach on the Clinch River near Kyles Ford, Tennessee. Simulations were run for environmental DNA sample collection dates on September 14, 2020, August 10, 2021, and September 08, 2021. For each eDNA collection date, the transport of freshwater mussel eDNA from Epioblasma capsaeformis was simulated by specifying eDNA as an arbitrary constituent in the HEC-RAS water quality module and assigning a first order rate of decay. To account for the variation of the eDNA field samples at the upstream boundary condition, as well as the laboratory derived decay constants,...
This dataset includes the discharge values and simulation input conditions for 15 simulation discharges at the Lazy Day (LD) reach on the Big Piney River near St. Robert, Missouri. Simulations were run for environmental DNA sample collection dates between March 13, 2020 and May 12, 2022. Simulation results were used as input for environmental DNA transport models.
This dataset contains the particle starting locations for particle tracking simulations of the Searcys Bend dye release experiment using the “Fluvial Particle” particle tracking model. This file was generated to approximate the location and distribution of dye as observed in the first aerial image captured 3.5 minutes following the dye release. Although the total number of particles simulated is 1,500,000, simulations were run using a parallel version of the Lagrangian particle tracking algorithm distributed across 120 computational processing units (CPUs). Therefore, the file provides the location information for 12,500 particles (1,500,000 / 120 = 12,500). The file was created by georeferencing a line laterally...
This dataset contains a series of processed acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements collected by boat on the Missouri River at Searcys Bend near Columbia, Missouri on May 5, 2021, during a dye release experiment at the site. The data presented here have been processed with the Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT) and combined into a single shapefile using ArcGIS. The dataset was collected to validate a multidimensional hydrodynamic model.
This project contains data and supporting files from hydrodynamic and particle tracking models of the Missouri River at Searcys Bend developed in conjunction with an experimental dye release at the study site on March 5, 2021. The main objectives of this effort were to develop a hydrodynamic model using topographic and flow data collected in the field for subsequent use in a particle tracking model to simulate dye dispersion during the experiment.
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