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Terry I Plowman

Multiple techniques including, x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, laser diffraction particle analysis, and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry, were used to characterize the morphology and composition of dust used for biological studies as well as lung tissue from rats, personnel deployed to Southwest Asia, and control samples. The data presented in this release are organized in the following structure: Child item 1: Geochemical and Morphological Characterization of Bulk Dust Used in MMP3 and GLIDE Experiments BulkDustCharacterization Table 1 XRD_final.csv BulkDustCharacterization Table 2 PSA_final.csv BulkDustCharacterization Table 3 ICP-OES-MS_final.csv BulkDustCharacterization Tables 1-2-3...
This dataset includes data for in-situ solid materials and suspended sediments from surface-water samples, as well as surface-water chemistry from samples collected during storm events at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, Nevada County, California. In-situ solid samples were collected during 2015 along six vertical transects along the cliff walls of the mine pit. Surface-water samples were collected during 2014 and 2016 from Hiller Tunnel and from drainage networks below the in-situ sampling sites during runoff conditions. In-situ and suspended-sediment samples were analyzed for grain-size distribution, X-ray diffraction (XRD) for quantitative mineralogy, inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)...
The Russian River watershed is an important resource for drinking water and recreation. Sonoma Water relies on the Russian River to provide drinking water to over 620,000 Sonoma County and Marin, CA residents. Nearly 1 million visitors enjoy numerous recreational opportunities on the Russian River annually. Wildfires have increased in frequency and intensity in Northern California and research is ongoing to address water-quality impacts during post-fire rainstorm events, including increased loading of sediments, nutrients, major ions, and metals. This data release presents results from the analyses of surface water samples collected within the Russian Watershed between 2017-2019 occurring before and after the Sonoma...
Note: This data release has been superseded by The Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) supplies drinking water to over 600,000 Sonoma County and Marin County, CA residents and relies on a combination of Russian River water and surrounding groundwater. SCWA employs natural removal processes of riverbank filtration (RBF) to provide pretreatment before the river water is chlorinated and distributed in the drinking water system. In addition, SCWA employs an inflatable damn on a seasonal basis to increase water supply at the RBF site. Changes in water quality due to recent and potential future fires within the Russian River water shed could lead to substantial drinking water management...
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