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Jade W Crosbie


Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center

Office Phone: 303-236-1351
ORCID: 0000-0002-2724-1264

DFC Bldg 20
DFC Box 25046
One Denver Federal Center
Denver , CO 80225

Supervisor: Todd M Hoefen
Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during March 2022 over a distance of 2,574.6 line kilometers in southeast and southwest Wisconsin. These data were collected in support of an effort to improve estimates of depth to bedrock through a collaborative project between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP), and Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS). Data were acquired by SkyTEM Canada Inc. with the SkyTEM 304M time-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic system together with a Geometrics G822A cesium vapor magnetometer. The survey was acquired at a nominal flight height of 30 - 40 meters (m)...
Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) and magnetic survey data were collected during November and December 2016 along 4,212 line-kilometers over Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The survey was conducted as part of a study of the subsurface geologic structure and geothermal and groundwater resources of Yellowstone National Park. The survey was designed to image the subsurface plumbing of Yellowstone's myriad thermal features by constraining the geometry of the major hydrostratigraphic contacts and mapping regional-scale geologic structures. Data were acquired by SkyTEM ApS with the SkyTEM 312M time-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic system together with a Geometrics G822A cesium vapor magnetometer. The survey was...
Categories: Data; Tags: GGGSC, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Hot Spring Basin Group, Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, All tags...
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