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Valerie I Shearn-Bochsler

Veterinary Medical Officer

Office Phone: 608-270-2457
Fax: 608-270-2415
ORCID: 0000-0002-5590-6518

6006 Schroeder Road
Madison , WI 53711-6223
The data set contains the results of experimental challenge of captive zebra finches with an American crow isolate of West Nile virus (WNV). Data include infectivity, mortality, viremia, oral shedding of virus, and serology for anti- WNV antibodies. Australian and Timor zebra finches were used in this study and both are useful as a laboratory model of an avian species with moderate susceptibility to WNV.
These data sets are is a compilation of bird and environmental samples obtained from 6 sites in Maricopa County, Arizona on the dates shown. Sites were only visited and sampled if they had Rosy-cheeked lovebirds coming to bird feeders at the location and with the permission of the property owner. Two swab samples were obtained from each captured bird and 3 swab samples were collected from the environment at each site. Each sample was tested by PCR for Chlamydia psittaci, Psittacine Circovirus genotype 1 [PCV-1]), and Psittacine Circovirus genotype 2 (PCV-2) and, for appropriate samples (love birds and environmental samples) and where enough sample material remained for PBFD virus Pathotype 2.
During 2002−2015 we examined the causes of mortality in beachcast northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) collected from the coasts of Washington and Oregon states. A total of 333 moribund or dead sea otters were reported through opportunistic observations and 93 otter carcasses were collected for necropsy. Retrieved carcasses received a full diagnostic evaluation to determine cause of death when carcass condition permitted. Otter stranding reports were received from the entire Washington coast and northern Oregon coast, but carcasses located near areas populated by humans were most often in suitable condition for cause of death determination. Data in this release include basic demographic information on the...
This dataset includes epidemiology, clinical signs, gross and microscopic pathology, and virology data from two red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and one fisher (Pekania pennanti) submitted to the USGS-National Wildlife Health Center for cause-of-death determination and confirmed positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 by USDA’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories. The foxes were juveniles from North Dakota and the fisher was an adult from Wisconsin. Clinical signs included neurological deficits such as ataxia, lethargy, or paralysis. Gross and microscopic lesions included myocardial pallor, pulmonary and hepatic congestion, meningoencephalitis, interstitial pneumonia, myocardial necrosis, and hepatic...
Three datasets are included: 1) survival of domesticated canaries and American crows following sub-cutaneous challenges ranging from 101 – 105 plaque forming units of West Nile virus. 2) Arbitrary units of WNV detected by RT-PCR or plaque forming units of WNV cultured in vero cells in 4 separate studies. Culture results are indicated for each day post WNV challenge. 3) Weight (mass) changes in grams in canaries and crows each day following WNV challenge. Day 0 (inoculation) set to 0 gms, then each subsequent day is change in gms from previous day.
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