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David R Smith

Emeritus Scientist

Eastern Ecological Science Center

Office Phone: 304-724-4467
ORCID: 0000-0001-6074-9257

LRL - Administration Bldg (2)
11649 Leetown Road
Kearneysville , WV 25430

Supervisor: Julien Martin
U.S. Geological Survey decision analysts and technical experts worked with representatives from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, and Central Utah Water Conservancy District to predict the consequences of alternative actions following environmental DNA detections of dreissenid mussel eDNA in Jordanelle Reservor, Utah. This dataset provides the consequence and model inputs for each of the alternative actions under different levels of uncertainty.
Aquatic ecosystems are among the most imperiled systems on the planet (e.g., Vorosmarty et al. 2010), and freshwater mussels represent a particularly threatened taxonomic group that exemplifies the challenges of assessing numerous rare, cryptic taxa. North America contains the greatest diversity of freshwater mussels globally, but nearly two-thirds of 300 currently recognized species are considered imperiled and 29 are likely extinct (Haag and Williams 2014). While national-level efforts have compiled portfolios of research and management actions to support freshwater mussel conservation (FMCS 2016; Ferreira-Rodriguez et al. 2019), managers urgently need robust frameworks for deciding how to allocate funding and...
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