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Arnold, Ralph

Midway District. Showing hills northeast of the Midway field. Kern County, California. 1907. Panorama with arn00654. Published in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 116, Plate IV-A, p.16. 1920.
Album caption: Pine forest on plateau between Grand Canyon and Grand View. 12:10 P.M., 64, 1 sec., cloudy. 8-28-05. Arizona. Index card: Pine forest Survey party. Grand Canyon National Park.
Conglomerate of Chico formation on the coast 2.5 miles north of Pigeon Point, looking northwest. San Mateo County, California. May 29, 1905. Published in U.S. Geological Survey. Folio 163, Figure 4. 1909.
Album caption: Looking north from rim of Grand Canyon, from near Grand View Hotel. Arizona. 08-28-05, 3 PM, 64 R.F., 2 sec., cloudy. Index card: North from near Grand View Hotel, Grand Canyon National Park.
Album caption: View of rapids, looking down Colorado River from foot of Bright Angel trail, Grand Canyon, Arizona. 08-29-05, 1 PM, 64. R.F., 1 sec. Index card: Colorado River from foot of Bright Angel Trail. Grand Canyon National Park.
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